after over one year of try and error, my elvox 8879 is working with the nuki opener :
opening the door → ok
ring detection → ok
ring to open → ok
doorbell suppression → ok
Here is my manual:
1. Disassembling
First of all you have to remove both bus wires (from 1 and 2), then you can screw of the intercom from the wall and now you can carefully solve the circuit board from the case of the intercom.
2. Soldering:
Soldering of the blue and violet wire to the back (!) of the intercom´s circuit board (for opening the door later):
→ see @ attached pic
After the soldering, you can reassemble the intercom and reconnect the bus wires 1 and 2.
Connection of the red and black nuki wires to the intercom:
RED → 5
→ see @ attached wiring diagram
Now you can close to case of the intercom.
4. CONFIGURATION of the intercom @ NUKI APP:
→ update the opener to beta 1.5.1
→ configurate the intercom as GENERIC ANALOGUE INTERCOM (!):
test 1: the opening of the door will work instantly → confirmation
test 2: ring to open: the ring detection won´t work now but you still have to confirm that the door has been opened → confirmation
5. App settings:
→ activate Auto Unlock @ Smart Actions
→ enable the protocol @ protocol
Opening the door will work now, but for the ring detection you have to: →
6. PM to one of the nuki team members:
he/she has to activate the analogue ring detection @ app (i think it is a hidden setting), if he/she asks for the voltage: the setting with 9V works for me
7. ready, now you can detach the doorbell wire /plug for doorbell suppression:
→ pull the plug/wire from A+ and strip it
→ also see @ attached/last wiring diagram
P.S.: I accept no liability for any errors in the content of the manual or for technical problems,…