Smart Lock Firmware 2.7.x/1.9.x Beta

2.7.4 Beta Bug or feature?

At the Night mode the Timemode event send Push Notification.
If the Smart Lock is already closed, it still send this Information “that it just closed the Smart Lock”.


I think if it is already closed, no push notification should be sent.

Push notifications are triggered for every activity log entry, so yes, this is a feature.

Auto Unlock don‘t work anymore.

The Screenshot looks like iOS. Which version of the iOS App are you currently using?

iOS 13.3 Beta. It is the same with iOS 13.2

Best send a log-file with a short description of the problem and the exact time when it occured to our support team at, so they can check the details of what happend.

Same here! Push is fine but Nuki still tries to lock the door even if it‘s closed and locked.

Does the motor turn or do you only get the activity log entry?
Is there a difference if you locked manual or with the button last time before?

Yes, the motor turns or better tries to.
Don‘t know if there‘s a difference because I normaly don‘t lock it manualy. I‘m using the button. Will keep this in my mind and lock the door manualy tonight.

Yes, same! The Auto Lock doesn‘t care of the door is locked automaticaly or manual.

Locked manually a hour before and with Timecontrol fort night mode the motor tries to lock again. Firmware 2.7.4

I am on 2.7.4 and the motor makes the typical block sound. If is doing it after several lock/unlock. Shouldn’t it make a “Perform position fix on any blocked motor event”?

In the video you can hear (and see) that the motor is trying to overturn. You also hear that the door is not fully unlocked. Could be fixed by manually unlocking and then locking again. This is also the cause for the problem I explained that someone can get locked out with the FOB (with a bit less turning the door cannot be opened).


Hi Mike,

At 00:06 the lock makes a clicking sound but the motor seems to be able to turn even further.
Is that clicking sound coming from the cylinder?
Are you using a knob adapter?


It’s the cylinder when snapping in.

For this video the lock is already re-calibrated so its not turning too much anymore.

The “turning too much” happens when the lock was locked/unlocked manually via the key and it lost track of the position.

What has changed in Beta 2.7.7?

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Original post with the changelog has now been updated.

Bluetooth transfer speed increased quite a lot, which is especially noticeable when more data is transmitted (e.g. when opening the Activity Log).

Original post has been updated with release notes for Smart Lock 2.0 Beta 2.7.9

Will this work with the new iOS App 2.6.1 (not Beta)
Otherwise I‘ll stay with Firmware 2.7.4.
Thank you