Smart Lock (4th Generation) - Set up Home Assistant for Remote Access via Thread

Ok thank you I’ll give that a try!

Hi, my workaround as follow.
Install OpenThread Border Router and the Matter Server as Add-On.
Connect via Chrome and WebSoketKing to your HA Server as follow:


send as first the wifi details from your wifi network


“message_id”: “1”,

“command”: “set_wifi_credentials”,

“args”: {

"ssid": "wifi-name-here",

"credentials": "wifi-password-here"



next your thread boarder router TLV…


“message_id”: “1”,

“command”: “set_thread_dataset”,

“args”: {

"dataset": "put-credentials-here"



and the last step your nuki matter code (number below the qr code)


“message_id”: “2”,

“command”: “commission_with_code”,

“args”: {

"code": "MT:Y.ABCDEFG123456789"



No BT Stick, no Mobile or somethink needed…
more details from github /python-matter-server)

same workaround for power plugs, but without step 1 with wifi details set, thats but needed for my situation to work.

b rgds

I’ve managed to connect home assistant with matter.
Control through home assistant works.
But i cant seem to be able use remote access through matter.
Remote acces is enables as is NAT64 on HA

Am i missing something?

How does the “Matter” screen look like in the Smart Locks settings?
There should be a green tick next to Remote Access if NAT64 is working and Remote Access needs to be enabled there too.

It looks like this.
I read on a different topic that disabling nuki web and entry logging helped with keeping the matter connection online so i tried that.
After removing an re-enabling matter it seems to keep a stable connection for now

Using Home Assitant on NUC with a brand new SkyConnect stick. A first Smart Lock 4 Pro worked fine following these instructions. I bought 2 more, I tried to set up the second one but that never worked, when trying to add a Matter Device, it always fails with the eror message that it can’t connect to the thread network ha-thread-1d57. My preferred network in the HA thread configuration shows ha-thread-f687. I only have one network under thread, but while adding the app always wants tyo cvonnect to ha-thread-1d57 which always fails. I tried several complete restarts, removed the stick, remove the OTBR addon, re-sync the thread authorization in the companion app settings, everything, it keeps looking for ha-thread-1d57. I tried factory reset on both active locks, to no avail at all.

If you’re setting up the Matter connection with the Android companion app of Android then this might be the issue.
Unfortunately the app remembers the first Thread network it has been connecting to and then always connects to this thread network.

You can check if the app uses the same Thread network as Home Assistant if you select “Sync Thread credentials” within the apps settings (located under “Troubleshooting”).
If they do not match unfortunately the only solution is to clear the data of the “Google Play Services” app (not “Google Play”) but this will also remove other data (e.g. Payment Cards in Google Wallet) .

There are other ways to commission as well (Smart Lock (4th Generation) - Set up Home Assistant for Remote Access via Thread - #22 by Toni_CB) but I did never try that.

I installed the openthread add-on in HA but when I try to activate Matter on the Smartlock I can only choose between Google Home and Smarthings?

Yes, there is no link to the Home Assistant app inside the Nuki app.
Just manually open the Home Assistant app.

Ok I did.
But when I try to add the lock in Homeassistant I get following error “your device needs a thread border router”. But the openthread add-on in Homeassistant runs.

Thanks, deleting the Google Play Services data and cache solved the issue indeed. After deleting these and trying to pair the first slot, I got the message “Matter currently not available”, but re-installing the Google Home app solved that problem. I have now 3 working locks, super!

You also need the Matter server addon.

In the meantime I make it, thank you!
I have to synchronise the credentials in the HA app first.


This is the most important info, as everything else is automatic, you should add this to the manual.

thanks a lot

Thanks a lot, restating the Nuki by removing the battery pack fixed it for me as well, this should be added to the manual

@marc I have set up Home Assistant with a brand new SkyConnect stick and have also synced the Thread credentials with my Android phone via the companion app. But when I try to activate Matter on my SmartLock 4 Pro in the NUKI app (while in BT range), it just shows a loading icon and nothing happens. So of course HA does not find the SmartLock when I just scan the Matter code and try to add it. Do you have any idea what the problem might be?

Exakt genau das Problem habe ich auch.
Nuki 4 Pro letzte Woche bekommen und alles aktualisiert.
Nach klick auf den “Aktivieren” Button dreht sich nur der Ladekreis und nichts passiert mehr.
Ich habe ich mich via Chat an den Kundenservice gewannt und man wollte mir eine Email mit Fehlerbehebungsanweisungen zuschicken. Eine Email ist nie angekommen. Toller Kundenservice.

Same like this Can't activate thread

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If the process via app does not finish and the Smart Lock does not light up to signal active commissioning mode, adding it to any ecosystem won’t work.

Please contact customer support through the Nuki App (Menu > Help > Contact Customer Support).
In this process error reports can be automatically added and will help identifying the issue.

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Hi Stefan,

Thank you for the good explanations.

Can you please help me on this: i dont have as mentioned below only home assistant but also my nest hub listed as thread border router.

How can i remove it from the list please?

  1. Click onto the entry and make sure that only one border router is listed

I have disconnections and unstability and i maybe suppose it could be a reason.

Thank you so much for you help as i didn’t find it how to do it.