Can't activate thread

Hello, I have bought a Nuki Smart Lock 4 pro. When I try to activate thread, in the window I push the button and a wheel starts spinning and nothing else happens, it stays this way forever.

Latest firmware and android app.

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Please contact our support via the Nuki App (Menu > Help > Contact Customer Support) for more detailed information.

This forum is focused on developer related issues.

Ok, done. Will be back if it get solved to share the solution.

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I recently faced the exact same issue with the Android app. No matter what I did, I couldn’t activate Matter on my Nuki Smart Lock 4 Pro. The spinning wheel in this screen would remain forever:

Then I tried using the Nuki app for iOS and the Matter activation worked on the first attempt!
I reckon there’s some issue with the Nuki Android app regarding Matter activation.


Well, not an option for me as neither me or anybody I know uses iOS, hope support can help me.

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I hope so too.
I got the same issue.


Thanks for reaching out to support!
They forwarded us the tickets and we are already investigating the issue.

Update: we found out, that there was a Server-related issue which should already be fixed and therefore you should be able to active Matter via Android now as well!

Please verify and in case of any problems contact us via support ticket again

Thanks & best regards


after many days of trying…
my solution:

  1. delete all data from “Google play services storage” in your smartphone
  2. in the HA Companion app, go to Settings > Companion app > Troubleshooting, then select Sync Thread credentials.
  3. in Nuki app, activate Matter

now it works for me

Problem is that: Update home-assistant network Thread credentials not possible · Issue #4146 · home-assistant/android · GitHub

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I was now able to activate Matter on my NUKI smart lock from my Android device without having to delete all the data from the “Google play services storage” on my smartphone.

Thanks for the quick fix!

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Tried everything out of this thread. nothing worked. Still cannot activate Matter in Nuki Android App.

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Neither me. I’ve been talking with support but none of the solutions we tried worked.

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Using a Nuki 4.0 pro and the iOS app, Matter did not work for me as well. I got a replacement lock sent, which needed over 35 trials to register in the Apple Home app.