Smart Lock (4th generation) Firmware Beta 4.3.x

After months of frustrution with Wifi/MQTT, I decided to try Matter/MQTT. So I disabled Wifi and enabled Matter, using my Apple TVs/Homepod Mini. It worked fine for a couple of days, but this morning I saw this:

I had to remove the battery and reinsert it, and only a couple of hours later:

So it seems that Matter/MQTT is not stable either.

Mine is very stable with matter but with Nuki web disabled, I only had one ā€œunavailableā€ when firmware update was available. No problems in mothsā€¦

The sudden battery draining is still an issue on 4.3.5 as well. The lock was stable for weeks before this happened. Charged the battery to 100% but the draining continued. Now pulled the battery which will probably stop the draining.

If anyone from Nuki needs more info, let me know.

In the spirit of further info, mine has been stable for the last several weeks, and this s.v. 4.3.5 also seems to have taken battery consumption back down to where it used to be. Running MQTT over Wifi.
It is going ā€˜unavailableā€™ occasionally (4 times in the last couple of days), but only for 2 or 3 seconds and then comes back online. Energy saving mode has been back at ā€˜Automaticā€™ since 4.3.5, was on Medium before. Last charged on 5th May, and at 26% now. All depends on how much it is used of course.

Original post has been updated with release notes for the Smart Lock (4th generation) Beta 4.3.6

This Beta includes the bugfix for the recently changed behavior of intelligent button actions - resulting such action is not triggering an unlatch anymore but instead just an unlock / lock action.

Next to that a minor improvement for the WiFi stability has been added, thus please install and verify this version if you are affected from connection drops via WiFi/MQTT.

Please report your findings within this channel.

Thank you for your provided feedback! :pray:

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This is really really bad. This morning (08:06 CET) I was walking down the stairs and the door suddenly unlatched and getting stuck in the unlatch bug. There is no reason why the door would unlatch and there is no entry in the log about it as well. This is on firmware 4.3.5. Luckely I was home and actually noticed this happening but Iā€™m loosing faith in Nuki after being a customer since pretty much day one.

Once again, if Nuki needs more info please let me know.

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Thanks, intelligent button seems fixed.

This is supposed do not happen anymore with 4.3.6. i.e. it should help for the ā€œforever unlatchedā€ problem. Please install it and let us know if it happens again.

The forever unlatched issue or the unintended and unlogged unlatching (or both)?

I have installed 4.3.6 and will keep track.

I canā€™t speak for the ā€œunintendedā€ in the sense of ā€œno one sent a command to the lockā€ (because the lock never starts to move without command), but it should not happen anymore that it getā€™s stuck at ā€œunlatchedā€, which is the same problem as the ā€œforever unlatchā€. So ā€œbothā€, would be the answer to your question.

But please report back if it still occurs with 4.3.6. We can not reproduce it with our locks, therefore we depend on your feedback. Thank you :pray:

I have a pretty solid understanding how this works but I also believe my own eyes.

Could you help me explain the scenario where the door opens without anyone in the vicinity but me and specifically where this action isnt logged as well? I really cant have that happening again. I hope you understand that this freaks me out. I cant even tell it to my wife as she will force me to remove the lock.


@jeje My questions are the same too :thinking:

This is explained. Decided to tell my wife anyway to validate it wasnt here auto unlock. Turns out she left the house and had returned 8 minutes prior to the unlatching and left her phone downstairs. So it was a very much delayed auto unlock. This not being logged was probably due the forever unlatched bug crashing the lock. Hopefully that is fixed with 4.3.6.

Hi mate, Iā€™ve reported this issue already two times to Nuki team, with log and screenshots of the history. However, they told me that it is linked to the phone since this is built up the Bluetooth connection to the Lock. I owned a version 3 lock before and have not witnessed such behaviour before. But since ā€œupgradingā€ to SL4 this happen sometimes unexpectedly. It happens also with mi wifeā€™s phone. So I have to deactivate one of the main feature of Nuki SL. :frowning:

If itā€™s any consolation I had this with my SL3 too - itā€™s not just isolated to the 4.
Best, Dave

Changelog is updated in the first post of the topic.

4.3.6 has stabilization improvements which aim at improving the problem that some people see where the lock remains in forever unlatched state during a lock action.

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Iā€˜ve switched from MQTT to Matter-over-Thread to connect the Nuki with Home Assistant and avoid being locked out. It has everything I want except the state of the door sensor. Is it planned to expose that status also over Matter?

I know aboutĆ¼ber-Matter-verfĆ¼gbar and Expose Door Sensor state over Matter, but the situation has changed a bit: Home Assistant added support for Matter 1.3 (which includes the DPS feature attribute) in May.

  1. We do not comment about planned features or our roadmap here in the forum.

  2. There is already a feature request for this. Please make sure that you vote for it:
    Expose Door Sensor state over Matter

I already did, thanks :slight_smile: