Smart Lock Ultra Firmware Beta 5.1.x

Smart Lock Ultra Updates

Smart Lock Beta 5.1.2

  • Improved unlatch behavior to ensure proper function
  • Stability improvements for WiFi and Thread

Smart Lock Beta 5.1.3

  • Improved handling of automatic overnight firmware update
  • Enhanced MQTT API reliability

Smart Lock Beta 5.1.4

  • Performance and stability improvements

Smart Lock Beta 5.1.5

  • Improvements on the unlatch behavior to ensure proper function
  • Performance and stability improvements

Smart Lock Beta 5.1.6

  • Improvements on the unlatch behavior to improve current functionality
  • Performance and stability improvements

Smart Lock Beta 5.1.7

  • Improvements on the unlatch behavior to ensure proper function

If you have problems with the WiFi connection of your Smart Lock, please follow the advice in the FAQ before you post here in the forum.

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Initial post has been updated with the release notes of the new Beta 5.1.3

This Beta adds smaller improvements to the MQTT API reliability as well as to the automatic overnight firmware update handling. Still, overall this Beta improves the unlatch behavior of the ULTRA (as introduced with Beta 5.1.2), thus please report any findings specifically on that topic.

Your feedback is highly valuable for our development team. :pray:

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In case you don’t already know, there’s firmware 5.1.5: I installed it earlier and when I got home an hour later, the lock while opening with Auto unlock was blocked. The latch is only half back and the key can only be turned by force. The clutch on the Ultra won’t release any more. The whole lock is very smooth and I’ve never had these problems before. I’ve recalibrated the Ultra once and hope I won’t need an axe soon… :wink:


Hi @gaelga ,

apparently you managed to install the Beta 5.1.5 before I was able to announce it, which means that you managed to perform the upgrade within a short time period :slight_smile:

Please keep an eye on the stated (unwanted) behavior, if this occurs once again please reach out to me directly via DM since the unlatch behavior should be improved via the Beta builds overall.

Thanks. :pray:

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Initial post has been updated with the release notes of the new Beta 5.1.5

This Beta adds improvements to the unlatch behavior of the Smart Lock Ultra as well as several smaller bugfixes which are paying into the overall stability of the product.

Please provide your feedback on the Beta via this thread :pray:

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Same Problem here. The clutch won´t release any more. It’s blocked.

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Since the last update the lock says the motor is blocked. I didn’t have that before.

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sorry for my english
I think my nuki lock must have an hardware problem
i wanted the beta updates because since the installation i lost the matter connection
I have reset to factory mode 5 times since December 21st
i updated to version 5.1.4 (5.1.5 is not yet available for me) hoping that would solve my problem
I did a factory reset and 24 hours later i still lose my connection
the beta version did not solve my problem
the lock still works in homekit but in the Nuki app only the bluetooth connection works

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Ich think this is not a hardware problem. My lock show the same behavior. When it looses the thread connection it connects after that only via the home app. In Nuki App I can not reach the lock.
The matter over thread connection is not stable for me with any locks, inclusive the 4.0. Nuki says it is possibly a problem with apple but any other devices (I use >40) are working with no problem. It is very strange.

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i have more than 240 devices in homekit
and i have no worries either…
but only with nuki app…
:arrow_right: my homekit installation

i did some tests
i disabled matter connection and disconnected from homekit
i left the wifi and there is the same behavior
in the settings the lock is well connected to the wifi
i also assigned a static ip in the router
but only the bluetooth connection works

The problem is that I am not alone at home and not everyone has an iphone and use homekit
Monday I will contact support and explain my case, I think the lock has a hardware problem.

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Ok. I think this is a different problem. with wifi the lock works without problems for me. I have only problems with matter oder thread.

I don’t know if there are different problems but are they hardware or firmware?
if it’s only firmware it can easily be solved
before contacting support I will do a factory reset to see if the wifi problem persists
but I have the impression that this happens when the battery level decreases.
when the lock is at 100% I didn’t notice the problem
currently the battery level is at 90% but before the factory reset I will charge the lock to 100% to be sure

yesterday I did a factory reset and for now it works with matter
I have access with the server on Nuki app

another question
this is my first Nuki lock but I find it noisy even in gentle mode
I watched several tests on youtube and my lock seems to be noisy in comparison
have you noticed the same thing or is it normal?
I have a video

sorry if I edit multiple times but I try to be as accurate as possible

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Hello, even with the new version 5.1.6 the lock blocks. I’m pretty annoyed because the lock is ultimately unusable and you run the risk of standing in front of a permanently open door.

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I just updated to 5.1.6 now and it seems to be working fine. No blocking yet for me
it also seems that the lock is much quieter in gentle mode

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Things have gotten a little better in gentle mode. Here the lock blocks less often than in automatic mode. Furthermore, the lock blocks more often during a complete closing process. Overall, still a difficult update for me. I never had these problems before 5.1.5.

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Initial post has been updated with the release notes of the new Beta 5.1.7

This Beta adds further improvements on the unlatch related issues which were/are reported for the Smart Lock Ultra. If you were facing any issues in that regard with the release version or with a previous Beta version please install this new Beta and report your findings here.

Thanks for providing feedback that quickly, this helps our engineering team to act quickly to further improve the product. :pray:

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After about 20 closures I think the problem is solved. No problems so far.

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The problem was solved for me in the latest beta version.

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same issue to me, fixed with last version

I didn’t have problem with version 5.1.6
but this afternoon I updated to 5.1.7 and it seems to work fine