Smart Lock 3.11.x Beta

Smart Lock 3.0 Beta 3.11.0

  • New Beta version based on the recent release 3.10.7, including additional logging for enhanced troubleshooting possibilities

If you have problems with the WiFi connection of your Smart Lock, please follow the advice in the FAQ before you post here in the forum.

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In the Android app, we have a list of task and activating Matter is one of them.
Due to the fact that Matter is only available on Nuki Pro 4, I think you should detect the smartlock version. In my case, I have one last task to follow… activating matter but I can’t as I only have a Nuki Pro 3.0 .


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Initially I recognized low response time on both iOS and WatchOS.
By reading the FAQ link (see above) I changed the energy mode from Medium to Automatic. Since this change the response time is totally fine on my side.