Hi! We can try a few things! At first we look what system this intercom is, - digital, analogue or hybrid!? At first we try a standard digital wiring, - red and orange opener wire to “+” and the black opener wire to the gnd wire at the very bottom, together with the wire what is already there, - also connect the wires again as they where before, and do also the red and orange opener wires together in the same screw as the wires what are already there! This a minimal wiring for testing, please do all wirings with disconnected opener, and connect the plug of the opener wires just after you finished wiring, and look that the plug is straight and tight in the opener, because it get very fast errors there! Reset the opener and do a fresh setup with generic bus as intercom!
It’s a digital one, and in its standalone initial configuration, its using only 3 wires on negative, common and ring, and two wires for video, on COAX and GND.
Will try and see, thank you, will report back when have time to test.
Actually busy with wortk stuff, but will follow Rose steps and report if I manage to success. @Rose_Languste Is there any schema that indicates the function of each cable on Nuki? I mean, if i want to try to detect the ring only, wich color etc, or it depends on the setup you are using each time?
Depends on the configuration, - analogue = purple(gnd1)&blue(opening), black(gnd2), yellow(ring in)&green(ring out), red&orange(VoiceIn/Out but has no functionality yet), digital = depending on intercom modell and configuration.