Nuki Bridge hardware revision

Update: The new Bridge Firmware is now public and there should be no need any more to join Beta just to get access to it.
Note that the update runs automatically, but can take up to 25 hours.

Starting next week, Nuki Bridges delivered to customers will be in a new hardware revision whose firmware does not yet contain the complete HTTP API.


We changed the chipset to match that in the Smart Lock in an - other than that - unchanged Nuki Bridge. So the Bridge will work in the same way as usual. The complete HTTP API will be available via a firmware-update in the next months. The Web API and all other functionalities are unaffected by this.


Nuki Bridges with serial numbers starting with 14 (or higher) are of the new hardware-revision.
All Nuki Bridges sent till now are shipped with a firmware with the HTTP-API.


If you want to use the HTTP-API with your newly shipped Nuki Bridge, you can either wait for the firmware update or contact us at (with your Bridge ID) for a quick exchange of your Bridge to the version with the HTTP API already available.

The HTTP API is now available as a firmware update for Bridge Beta users:

Update: The new Bridge Firmware is now public and there should be no need any more to join Beta just to get access to it.
Note that the update runs automatically, but can take up to 25 hours.

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