Comelit compatibility

Mine is also not working. It would be nice if the support can figure out if the Comelit bus system can be supported (in the future). If it’s impossible I can move on with my life.

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@Matthijs1982 @rabh +1

i fully agree - i also got mine on the promise, that there would be support from the developers - hence I would be happy to help any way possible

but so far, it was more like - try this and that and go through that automatic configuration… which requires nearly exclusively a second person and access to the buildings intercom… - i live alone in an apartment complex with more than 300 tenants… so it’s not that easy

that has more the feeling of throwing stuff against the wall and see what sticks, as to proper engineering - more engagement would be more than welcome

Hi Lukas,
We are currently not compatible with Comelit bus-based systems with our current hardware, but we are trying to improve this in the coming months.
Best Regards

@Georg_S thanks for getting back to this. It would be awesome. If you need some tesring (Comelit 6701W) I am very happy to help. Greetings from Amsterdam

Hi @Georg_S. Can you share any news on the Comelit compatibility? Thx!

Sorry, we will not be compatible with Comelit BUS based systems in the near future

Does this mean never? I think I have a device that is unusable for me now and too late to return. I have a Comelit 6701W with two bus wires (L and L).

Hi Thong,
at the moment, this seems to be the case. Please get in contact with our support team, and ask them, if there is a possibility to return the device.

Best regards

Why not? I also have Comelit 6701w and I am clearly not alone. If there is so many people wanting to connect Comelit (6701w), why not making it compatible?

I have Comelit 6601W. In the next days I will check the signals with an oscilloscope. This should be helpful for Nuki team…

Great! I m curious for the result.

Any news concerning that topic?

Only bad news I think…
The comelit bus system is encrypted so the packets on the bus are different from each other. Therefore you are able to complete the configuration process for the Opener but after that it still doesn’t work.
If there will be a cooperation between Comelit and Nuki in the future, you will need an on-site technician to bind the Nuki Opener to the Comelit system. The question is who pays for that and will your property management accept this?!

Alternatively you can connect the Opener in an analogue way like it’s already done for SKS systems thats bus system is also encrypted.
Therefore you need to connect the Opener directly to the contacts of the loudspeaker and the unlock button.
In my case the Comelit 6601W has only touch buttons and I’m no professional electrician who can either identify the responsible contacts or soldering on the PCB.

So for me there is no solution for now and I’ve returned my Nuki Opener.

Maybe in the future there will be an adaptor to connect the Opener. Until that I’ll need to double unlock my electrical locked house entrance door in the old way with the key :frowning:

My Comelit 6601W with touch buttons:

Thanks, @paddy2202! It’s not only bad news, but I guess I will not go down that route…

Maybe @Georg_S can share some insights whether Nuki is planning to support encrypted Comelit bus in the near future or whether analog workaround will be the only solution for the time being.

For more information about the analogue way: Generic Analoge Ring Detection

Hi there, just wanted to notice that I also have the comelit system installed in my own home and are very interested in getting the Opener to work with it. Even if maybe in a restricted way, but are using Nuki right now for other Flats and are really loving how it works.

i also have a comelit system. Tried several ways of connecting, and finally soldered some wires to the button that opens the door and connected that to the Nuki (sorry, don’t know which wires i connected it to). Now i can remotely open the door, even if no one rang the bell. The only disadvantage is that i do not receive a notification when someone rings the bell.

Just an idea as I did something similar with an Elcom system:

Maybe you have a speaker or an LED that lights up in the intercom and you can meassure a voltage against the same “ground” as your opener signal already uses.

In this case you could try to solder the yellow wire here to get a ring notification.
This worked in the case of the Elcom system.

You can see some wiring diagrams and photos in this thread:

Has anyone tried the analogue way with the Comelit intercoms yet? I had given up on the bus system (especially given the note above about needing to be paired with the system because of encryption) but an analogue hack based on the speaker and lock button seems reasonable though it has yet to be seen whether the touch buttons will be a problem.

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I am considering giving it a try with the analogue option for a simplebus 2 system from Comelit (4700). I think I have identified what I need for the wiring. I need to solder the door opener contact (at the back of the PCB) and wire the second bell contact to the Nuki opener for ring detection. See pictures in reply for more details (I can only embed 1 media item per post).
Can anyone tell me if the below diagram (for Elvox system, so completely different) will be helpful? And for ring suppression, should I mute the 1st bell from the Comelit system and add a second bell with green and/or yellow wire from Nuki opener? Last question on the voltage: it seems to be working on 12V, what is the best way to confirm this? I need that to get the ring to open setting working by technical support I think. Thanks for helping me out! PS: If I am confident I am able to achieve the above, I will give it a try and report back with the working setup.

Edit: the extra bell contact as referred to in the Comelit manual seems to be also part of the bus system, so likely encrypted en of no use. I will have to look further for the buzzer contact. Any suggestions based on pics below?