Auto-Unlock an hour after entering the flat

Here we go again … We evaluated and described the problem several times already. I even provided possible and rather simple solutions. Just acknowledge the problem and solve it, I don’t see how you need more data for this.

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I have the exact same problem and the same solution came into my mind, that is described here: Simply make the timeout period configurable in the experts settings. That’s it.

Yes, it might interfere with some customers, potentially on the cost of comfort. But we are talking about a (smart) lock here, which primary use case is all about security.

Just yesterday my wife came home with my son, auto-unlock didn’t work so she opened the door manually via the app and 6 minutes later her phone triggered auto-unlock, resulting in an open door late in the evening. This really sucks and needs to be solved somehow.

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Yes. And the way to this new feature was described two years ago. :wink:

I opened this thread 2 years ago and it took the devs 5 months for a non-answer.

Sure. It’s a feature request and needs to be voted for. :wink:
More votes = higher probability of being implemented

[quote=“hosch, post:45, topic:8689, full:true”]
Sure. It’s a feature request and needs to be voted for. :wink:
More votes = higher probability of being implemented[/quote]

A feature request to fix a potential security issue, but the devs are being too German to recognize this unless it’s being pushed on the proper channels. After all, everything has to be in order in this country, we can’t have people interrupt the system, because this would harm the safety of the system. Oh wait, that’s why we opened this thread in the first place!

I too have reported the problem several times to support as suggested by the administrators but without having an intelligent and functional solution to the problem. it happens that the door doesn’t open and I have to open with the 2.0 keypad, and after a few minutes the door opens again. Truly ridiculous.

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