Zigbee in 2.0

Ich habe 2018 als Backer nur auf die 2.0 gewechselt weil ZigBee beworben wurde und es in mein Konzept passte.

Aber jetzt kommt nichts mehr. Als ob, die Integration von ZigBee nicht mehr erfolgt.

Langsam fühle ich mich verarscht!


Actually it’s “only” a little under 4 months past Q1 2019 (since Q1 spans to the end of March), but I agree. The fact that no official of Nuki responds to these questions, tells me the hardware is probably not able to do zigbee.

You could ask for a full refund if your device is under 2 years after purchase, since the device does not meet expectations.

I have purchased another brand, since I don’t think we are going to see zigbee on this hardware anytime soon. :frowning:

Ja, ich verstehe die Informationspolitik diesbezüglich auch absolut nicht. Damit handelt sich Nuki ein paar sehr unzufriedene Kunden ein…

In case you missed it; there has been an official announcement regarding the continued delay of ZigBee in the Summer Update (while I was away):

In that case I would like to return my 2 ZigBee devices. Its very unfortunate that you can’t support ZigBee, don’t promise something if you can’t deliver. A free bridge is also fine but I’m not gonna pay another 100 euros for a bridge I would not need if I had a ZigBee supported lock.

While I understand that you need to keep the plug-n-play oriented customer in mind, I am disappointed with the way the integrations in general are handled.

I wouldn’t need a faulty door sensor and push notifications that require a bridge if there was zigbee support. Xiaomi throws out 100% reliable ZigBee door/window sensors for <10$ and notifications are much less important for me as triggering routines (which could even be notifications of course). Most of the inconveniences I have with nuki could be solved easily with my existing setup.

I assume that this is still a early adopter and tinker friendly community (plus the rbnb people). Giving us zigbee support early on would provide you with lots of feedback to implement the build in features in the best way possible. While I don’t think that the delays warrant an extended return period, I never got the bridge app to work and I would love to hear about some kind of compensation for the long delay of a feature that’s really critical for home automation.

While I still think that Nuki is a great product, by now I will jump ship for the first alternative that provides a integration solution instead of a IoT service.

Edit: give us a working raspberry based bridge solution and you have all the time in the world for ZigBee :wink:

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I actually did miss this and totally agree with Julian Zimmermann on this: Release it, tech people will implement it for themselves, you will have much less p*ssed off customers! I got a V2 and sold my Nuki V1 with the Bridge and thought I had to run an old smartphone as a bridge for 1-2 months, since you announced zigbee will be added “a bit later”. I did not expect Nuki to need more than a year (!) to implement this feature. This is missleading your customer and I can understand if people now throw “not working as advertised stuff” back at you. You should think about some kind of reimbursement for customers who have counted on your advertisement!

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Please contact our support via phone or at contact@nuki.io. They will take care of this and find a solution for you.

I sent a complaint but I’d rather have a public statement about the future of cloud independent controls than having to hope that I barked enough to get something out of it.

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Well, I got an offer for a 30€ coupon. I might use it to buy a fob and give the homekit integration a try, but I’m still looking into alternatives to nuki because of this.

By the way, you might want to update the product pages. if you already know that the feature might not be possible at all (as you stated in the email), this could be seen as false advertisement:

As a result of the new motherboard, the Nuki Smart Lock 2.0 is now also compatible with the popular Smart Home standard “ZigBee”.

The chip in our Smart Lock 2.0 also supports the Zigbee communication standard

As a final thought: could you please specify what is meant by quality standards? Zigbee is a protocol used by many companies and considered as secure. If it’s a faulty chip, why scrap such a huge feature (integration with hue, ikea, xiaomi etc) instead of fixing it and let people get a replacement? There are some companies that obviously regret ever offering open apis and try everything to force the user back into their closed environments. When I read your vague description it really sounds like you someone high up noticed how much money they make with accessories and went berserk when he learned about the upcoming release of some insane hippie communist feature that theoretically makes all of these “after-sale opportunities” obsolete.

I know that tech like smart locks can be a nightmare security wise but right now I don’t understand why there is no real information about the issue like “the delay is over 20 seconds and we can’t release it until we can get it below 10”.

Edit: I just re-read the mail and this part bugs me:

After conducting an extensive analysis, we came to the conclusion that our approach to integrating Zigbee would not meet our high quality standards with regard to usability

Could you elaborate what usability means? I guess it’s really complicated to implement a working api for all systems that are out there especially concerning Nuki’s unique unlock/unlatch functionality, but if there are no"real" limitations, please consider adding some kind of debug mode. There surely is a way to add some confirmation dialog that prevents people from suing you after messing up their security and projects like zigbee2mqtt and home assistant make it very easy to consume even irregular data.

As you can see by this wall of text, I’d really like to keep Nuki in my setup :slight_smile:

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As others have noticed and commented Zigbee support has been pulled. The exact reason is not specified so we can only guess. It could be it resulted in excessive battery use, it could be the signal strength was too weak which likely would also affect battery life as well as reliability. Or as implied it could be more to do with feature support via Zigbee.

Regardless I think we can agree the most likely point of Zigbee support is to facilitate integration with more smart home platforms using a generic and open standard. In theory it would make it easier to link to systems like Samsung Smartthings, Athom Homey, Homee (brain cube), Home Assistant and so on.

If as would seem logical to assume the main point of adding Zigbee support was to facilitate linking to more smart home platforms and Zigbee for whatever reason has been found unsuitable there will be in most cases an alternative possible approach - one arguably superior. This would be to provide app/driver support directly for the leading smart home platforms. Smartthings, Homey, etc. all provide their own APIs for developing such integrations, indeed in most cases there are already independently developed implementations to link to Nuki. One would hope and expect that official support would deliver a superior result, currently there are no such official implementations for these types of smart home hubs. (I consider the current official support for Smart Assistants to be a different category.)

If the pulling of Zigbee support is only a further delay, then there might be no justification for this but if this is a permanent abandonment of Zigbee then this alternative approach should be considered instead. (Communications would be over TCP/IP via the Nuki Bridge rather than via Zigbee.)

It would depend on the relative capabilities of those other smart home platforms whether using their own APIs would deliver superior ‘usability’.

Did write to support about That issue. Answer was that I could send my Nuki back for full refund due to missing Zigbee functionality. Very disappointing though…

More than one year later…any news?

Any news ?

Guten Tag,

gibt es einen Release Zeitpunkt für ZIGBEE? I habe das Produkt gekauft, da sie es mit Zigbee beworben haben, geduldig habe ich sehr lange gewartet. Könnten sie mir bitte mitteilen ob ZIGBEE noch verfolgt wir und wann es released wird? Nun ist es weit mehr als 1 Jahr, seit das Release in Q1/2019 angekündigt wurde.
Wann wird Zigbee released?

Falls sie mir keine Antwort senden können (dieses Forum ist seit einiger Zeit etwas wenig kommentiert) , möchte ich mein Produkt bitte retournieren da es nicht dem entspricht was auf der Verpackung und auf Ihrer Webseite steht.

Vielen Dank,

Please contact our support via https://nuki.io/en/support-request/ or contact@nuki.io for questions about a product replacement.

We can unfortunatly not give you any further updates on this currently.

Any updates on this?

Es wäre nun wirklich mal an der Zeit, dass sich die Entwickler hierzu äußern. Als Anwender hat man ja mittlerweile Verständnis, dass bestimmte Funktionen erst später über Updates nachgerüstet werden. Dass jedoch ein so zentrales Feature, mit dem ja auch geworben wurde bei Vorstellung der Version 2.0 dann über Monate kommentarlos ignoriert wird ist für uns Kunden schon sehr ärgerlich.

It was mentioned already in last years blog post to the summer software update that Zigbee is not doable with the current hardware in the quality that we wanted to do it. Therefore Zigbee is not supported and will - most likely - never be supported.

Damn… I bought the Nuki 2.0 lock PRECISELY for this functionality… I feel cheated…