What´s wrong with MQTT and Nuki 4.0pro?

Same as you. I’m waiting for a fix. Nuki 3.0 was much more better than this 4.0

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Same problem here. :confused:

Are you running the latest Beta ? I installed the latest last week and everything is more stable and also the battery reports now correctly.

I installed a nuki smartlock 4 pro and confiugure in Home Assistant with MQTT (Mosquitto) and I have no problem. Could it be related to some specific HA or MQTT specific version?
I configured nuki MQTT connection with user and password

are you configured Mqtt with WIFI?

Yes WIFI, HA on a Pi5 core version 2024.3.3
MQTT (Mosquitto) integration installed on HA

I looked for potential unseen NUKI error on HA registry but nothing.
All is working well

Hi all,

I was also able to configure Nuki 4.0 pro with MQTT within home assistant, however I am now finding that I have a lot less functionality and sensors when compared to other users I see online.

Here is what mqtt discovered from my lock (by the way it did not even identify it as a “Nuki lock” simply as unamed:

Any ideas about what could be the issue? Another thing, I just connected this today and baterry went from 95% to 76% in a matter of 6 hours, is this normal?

Just to complement my previous post; this is how my nuki lock was identified within MQTT:

Same here, but normally my mqtt connection is reliable most times.
Bit i‘ve seen very often in recent times that after a lock event the mqtt connection drops and is reestablshed 15-30sec later again.
This only happens on lock events, not on unlock events.
Further i discovered that my Bluetooth connection drops at these times. Seems as the communication module restarts after certain lock events.

Similar experience to OP

It seems connection gets restored via the app also by simply going into the MQTT setting and hitting save again without retyping user/pass, leaving all as is, after that it magically comes back online in HA,
for now I’ve sorted to have an automation send me a notification on my phone when the MQTT entity becomes unavailable, with a link to tasker app where I’ve setup the routine that goes till the MQTT menu of the lock and hit save for me,
suboptimal, to say the least, I just tried to access the nuki web hoping I could do this via web hence possibly further automating the restore process to no involve my manual intervention but it does not expose MQTT functionalities.

alias: Nuki mqtt fail alert
description: Handle connection restore via tasker on android
  - platform: state
      - lock.your_lock_id
    to: unavailable
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - service: notify.your_android_phone_id
    metadata: {}
      title: ⚠️ Nuki MQTT connection fail
      message: Lock device has become unavailable in Home Assistant
          - action: URI
            title: Restore with tasker
            uri: app://net.dinglisch.android.taskerm
mode: single

I have the same issue!!! It’s totally unreliable.
Via App it’s working perfectly, MQTT after 1h, 2h it creashes and Nuki becomes unavailable untill you go in the app and save again the MQTT connection…

It’s impossible to automate this type of lock

Given this is a long known standing issue, without a clear fix in sight as it looks like we’re going with trial/error here with no clear root cause to address, and given we know “simply” re-saving the mqtt config restores the connection,
can we at least get shipped a way for us to do this operation programmatically on the device with a webhook that can be fired by homeassistant itself?
so that when it knows it has lost connection it can then self-recover it?
all this hook should be allowed to do is re-save existing MQTT connection config, triggering the same flow an user would do by hitting the save button, nothing more, so it should not be too much security-critical to expose given its not going to really “change” anything, only affect/restore local mqtt connectivity
not perfect of course, but would still be better than current status quo imho

if I were a PM at nuki the jira ticket would look like:

  • As a User,

  • I want to have a webhook available on my cloud connected nuki device that triggers re-save of existing mqtt-config,

  • so that when homeassistant looses mqtt connection it can selfe-serve restore it through an automation calling said webook, improving device reliability

this of course is meant as patch while the actual root cause is being researched, but at least it would give us users a better experience for the time being

cc @Juergen

the reason I suspect this is working could be that after sometime for whatever reason the device either loses or forgets/ignores the home assistant discoverability selection, but this is just speculation

the frequency of the disconnections is totally random, for example today I had two events in late evening while rest of day was ok, if we had said webhook we could restore connectivity automatically

Same and identical issue. If I set the WiFi to fast reconnection, the connection between HA and Nuki seems more stable. However, in one week, the battery goes from 100% to 60%. If I set the WiFi connection to medium, Nuki is unreachable most of the time. It is not acceptable to pay 279 euros to become a beta tester.

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Same problem here, random disconnections. I usually solve it by removing and replacing the power pack.
This is pretty ridiculous for a 300€ device that just doesn’t work.

My wifi network is stable and works flawlessly when the device disconnects from the network when MQTT stops working, my wifi network is not the problem.

The Nuki team should understand that this device is a critical security device, not a convenience device, a disconnection means you won’t be able to get into your house.

I’m still having issue with firmware version 4.2.8, will this ever be fixed?

We don’t know which issue you have, but there have been many changes to the WiFi and MQTT stability in the 4.3.x betas.

I’m talking about MQTT disconnecting often and being unreliable.
I know about improvements with beta firmwares and have been following the discussions closely. However, I don’t want to install a beta firmware on a critical device. I guess my question then is “When will it be released?” :slight_smile:
Thank you