Support for Elvox Due Fili+ Intercoms

hello @davidinux @wvanholder did you manage to make it work if yes could you please help me out ?

Hello, I’ve Elvox/Vimar Tab Free 4,3 Due Fili+ (cod. 7558).

I’ve tried the Generic Bus Intercom configuration setup. I don’t have cable errors, but the configuration fails.

The opener does not recognize the door opening signal on the intercom.

I am attaching an image of the inside of the video door phone.


Can anyone help me?



I also have Elvox 6601 and would like to the opener.
I would be thankful for advice how to connect it.


I have the same Elvox/Vimar Tab Free 4,3 Due Fili+ (cod. 7558) . have you resolved the Problem?
se sei italiano possiamo comunicare anche in italiano. grazie

Ciao… non ho risolto mi dispiace

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I have a 1902 (also 2-wire Digit Bus) and no luck on connecting it as a ‘generic digital bus’ intercom.
Soon will start reverse-engineering the protocol, to avoid duplicate efforts, would would like firs to ask:

  • anyone here has and can share information about the levels/timings/protocol/etc ?
  • is there any way to create a ‘definition file’ or even a (C?) library that can be submitted to the manufacturer / beta program?

@Zauberelfe00 from another thread, I understood you did already break some ground on this, anything you could please share?


Any news on this?

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Hi, any news here?

Hi everyone.
I’m MirKO and newly buyer of smart lock and opener.

I’ve read all the forum but haven’t found any solution to connect opener to my intercom, elvox 7529 bus (due fili +).
I Tried generic bus configuration (both with basic and enhanced setup), but nothing. It doesn’t recognise the lock door and configuration stacks.

@roberto @Davide_Pizzolon have you found any solution?

Any admin or expert developer can please confirm this kind of bus is not still supported?

Thanks in advance to everyone.

Ps I was wondering if I can setup new wires to connect directly opener to the external place (without connecting opener to intercom)
I’m afraid I will just connect the opener to the lock door using it just to open door :frowning:

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Ciao Roberto!
Io ho lo stesso, sei riuscito ad utilizzare l’Opener?

Any news?

@Juergen : did you solved the issue? I have already bought Nuki opener and thought to connect for only wire it on the analogic exit of the Elvox Tab Free power supply to read in case of pushing opening button. It goes obviously that I will appreciate most to connect Nuki Opener for a complete integration.
Thanks for replies!

Hi guys, has anyone found any solution to connect the opener with elvox 7558 ?…
I am still searching for solutions or feedback from who has previously tested
Thank you so much !

Me too. I have the same intercom Elvox 7558 and I don’t know how to connect the opener.
If you found any solution let me know!
Thank you.

Anch’io stesso problema.
Avete trovato delle soluzioni?

I have tried for many times to connect Elvox 7558 with Nuki opener without any success. I have decided to upgrade to an Elvox Tab 5S
I am not quite sure on whom I should be mad, on Nuki or on Vimar ?! :slight_smile:

Sorry that I cannot help more.

Hey together.

I also have a Elvox intercom system in my new Appartement. Model is 6700 -6711.
As far as i can deduct this information the Due Fili Bus is used for that system.

I wrote a extensive post about the problems here: Bluetooth connection Error during opener setup?

I m also stuck at the recognition of the Door open signal recognition which doesn’t work.

I would really appreciate any progress on this matter!!!

I found this guide.

I’ll try the next days and keep you updated :slight_smile:

Hi Nick,
Could you confirm that you have successfully connected your Nuki Opener to the Elvox Tab 5S? Does the remote opening work correctly?


Hi Andrea,
Thank you for your question ! I haven’t managed to integrate the nuki door openener with this model.
I decided to uninstall the entire solution.
As an alternative, there is an intercom model from Elvox which can be connected to the house wifi and internet to open the outside door remotely. It costs some money and to be on safe side it requires professional installation (because of the programing of the addresses for the main door units)
hope you can find a solution for this.

For all the 40547 users - I built a workaround