Smart Lock Firmware 3.8.x Beta

Hi there! How do you Ping the lock over MQTT exactly? I just dont get it to work…

I don’t do it over mqtt.
I use Home Assistant and there the ping integration (Ping (ICMP) - Home Assistant), to keep the nuki / wifi connection awake.

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Ahh okay i See, do you put in the IP-Adress of the Nuki that is displayed in the Nuki App?

Like that?

alias: Nuki Ping
description: “”

  • platform: time_pattern
    seconds: “30”
    condition: []
  • service: homeassistant.update_entity
    entity_id: binary_sensor.http_ipadressnuki
    data: {}
    mode: single

I looked up the IP in my router. And for a ping every 30 seconds, you don’t need a separate automation. 30 seconds is the default pooling interval.

Your automation is almost correct. You want to ping it every 30 seconds not at :30

alias: ping nuki
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /20
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: binary_sensor.172_23_107_31
    data: {}
mode: single

would ping every 20 seconds. The difference is the /

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Perfect, thank you! :slight_smile:

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Original post has been updated with release notes for the Smart Lock 3.0 Beta 3.8.4
This Beta is not including any user visible changes, but is still improving some code which pays into the overall system stability.

Please install this beta and provide your feedback via this channel - thank you!

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I got the notification for the 3.8.4 beta today but the app (iOS) crashes in the step where it transfers the firmware to the Nuki.

Everything else is OK, I just can’t install the new firmware.

After installing this update, I still have connections issues with Nuki web, I’ve tried to open Nuki Android app and my smart lock is offline even if MQTT is OK.

Weather is definitely not the cause.

No issue during installation. I will check & monitor the stability and performance

Still waiting for a new Update where MQTT is capable to handle communication with all ip-adress-Ranges. Is there something in sight?


since installing the 3.8.4 firmware I have a significant battery consumption of around 20% per day. I didn’t have any problems before. :frowning:


Hi @Stefan_Reiterer,
is there a target date for the release of the new official 3.8.x firmware (not Beta I mean) ?

In the case it could be useful, I talked about Nuki web not working, but to be more precise it is remote action from the Android app.
Because I don’t know how it is different from using with Nuki web.

So MQTT is working but some times remote actions using the Android app don’t work.

Original post has been updated with release notes for the Smart Lock 3.0 Beta 3.8.5

Please install this beta and provide your feedback via this channel - thank you!


While updating, I had an error 500.
After I pressed retry, installation continued successfully.
Now I am waiting to see if I could observe some improvements but by reading announced changes I am not optimistic nor pessimistic.

I had not to wait for a long time, I still have random loss of remote status from the Android app, smart lock shown as offline in the Android app even if MQTT is OK.

3.8.5 has been installed automatically last night. So far no issues (same as with 3.8.4 before)

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First time since using the Nuki I recognized a red LED. Looking up the help it is the more likely the 4x flash (quite fast) than a 1x flash. => but it stays after recalibrating the Nuki. Everything else I can do / check?

You can check in the Nuki App if the state of the lock is a regular one or motor blocked, uncalibrated or a similar “error” state.

Looking up the activity log for recent error entries might also help to identify what the source is.

If the battery is critical / <20% the red LED does also blink.

When will this release become stable? I’m a little bit tired of my nuki disconnecting from MQTT every time there’s a Web Api outage.