Smart Lock (4th generation) Firmware Beta 4.3.x

I just bought a Nuki Pro 4.0 and updated it to 4.3.8 but I’m going on vacation and I’m afraid to leave it connected. Someone has tried?

That is for sure 4.2.8 (which is the latest release version) and not 4.3.x (which is just in beta).

4.2.8 is running on 1.000s of locks.

This is a beta tester thread and in general a developer forum. Please respect the forum guidelines and contribute to this forum only if you have signed up to the beta program.

I’m sorry, I made a mistake, the version that was installed is 4.2.8, sorry again.

With 4.3.7 I’ve the issue that with auto-open the latch is only partially retracted - the door won’t open. When trying to immediately open the lock with the key manually instead after that the lock is fully blocked for several seconds (much longer than the defined retraction time of 3 seconds). After that the door will be locked again by Nuki - but the door was not open before! (Nuki + door sensor are calibrated correctly). Finally I have to unlock the door with the key. :frowning: In addition to that the Thread connection to my HomePod mini (distance of ca. 1m between the lock and the HomePod mini) does not work reliably so it’s also not possible to open the key with the app while the auto-unlock process is active: In this situation I’m getting an “0x04” error (Smart Lock is busy). In addition to that establishing a bluetooth connection from my iPhone 14 Pro Max with the lock takes ages (scanning interval set to “automatic”) because I’ve no online connection with my phone when standing in front of my apartment’s door.

If I trigger the door opening manually with the app (with latch retraction) when auto-lock is not active everything works fine. No progress if I use an Apple 4K (with Thread support) instead.

I’m a little disappointed with my Nuki 4 Pro. I’ve used Nuki 3 for the last 2 years before. I’ve thought that 4 Pro with Thread support and less energy consumption will bring more reliability in comparison to my old Nuki 3. But currently that’s not the case. :frowning:

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With 4.3.7 (on a non-Pro lock, no smart home integration, with Bridge and Door Sensor) I suddenly have the issue that normal bluetooth connectivity can be lost forever, either directly between App and Lock as well as via Bridge. The only thing which helps is either removing the battery from the Lock or pressing the Lock button for 5 sec so that the LED ring lights up continuously. I experienced this now 3 times and it happened after some other action like manual opening via key or after Auto Unlock. It seems that bluetooth connection can completely break and does not come back which makes the Lock unusable.

I want latest stable firmware back please…

When I use the trick with the 5 sec button press to get connection again, the Lock says “door open” afterwards which means that the connection is lost before the Door Sensor can signal that the door was actually closed

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I can confirm that with my new 4 Pro!

Link to video:

Unfortunately I do have the same issue with Nuki 4 Pro.
But what I’ve noticed so far, this bug (Lock’s BT is not available at all) only happens when Lock is connected to the Bridge. Tried to use it in WiFI only mode for a week - BT was always stable and available.

Dear Nuki Developers, at least 5 last betas are not working properly in terms of BT connection.
Can we get an option to install release software back? It is quite standard for such industry(cause a lot of things could go wrong with beta, so there is always an option to go back to the stable version, right?) and it sounds quite dumb, that the only way to get the non-beta firmware is to replace the nuki lock itself


absolutely yes please!

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This would also fit my observations. I started using the Bridge on 16.07. (as I bought an Opener now) and observed BT loss first time on 18.07. and since then 4 or 5 times. I will try without Bridge now.

No one has ever reported this problem here in the forum. Any chance that you find out when this problem occurred for the first time for you?

Unfortunately haven’t noticed right away that it somehow related to the Lock being connected to Bridge/Nuki Hub, so didn’t keep track of FW.
But what I can say for sure: it was not a problem with the latest stable FW and was already happening with Beta 4.3.6

You can remove beta firmware at

on the same page

Your Smart Lock cannot be restored to a previously released firmware version.
Please keep in mind that even if you’ve stopped participating in the Nuki Beta Program, the beta firmware is still installed on your device.
However, after removing your Smart Lock from the beta program, you will only get the public version of the firmware.

I have several very strange battery drain issues with 4.3.6 and 4.3.7.
There is normal battery drain for some days and from one moment to the other the battery drain starts to get very heavy.
I‘ve never changed my akku packs as often like in the previous days.

SL4p connected via direct wifi on own ssid only for nuki.
Door Sensor and Keypad2 Connected

I also discovered the same behaviour with my Nuki 4 Pro. I had to recharge the pack after 3 weeks.

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Check my posts in this topic. This has been an issue for me for quite some time. Nuki can’t find the cause so we need to troubleshoot this itself.

Do you guys use MQTT or a custom DNS server like Pihole or Adguard?

You don’t ask me specifically, but as I have the same issue, I answer also :wink:.

I use the DNS Servers from cloudflare, which is not really custom :upside_down_face: and no MQTT. The lock is simply connected to the WiFi and the distance to the Router is max 2m with no object (cabinet, wall or so) between both.

I also have the issue that the button sometimes is not working to open the door
I have to press it few times.

I’m not sure if this is related to the firmware or if it’s a hardware issue.

I have the same problem