Smart Lock (4th generation) Firmware Beta 4.3.x

I’ve just updated my nuki smartlock to 4.3.8 and battery level increased from 44 to 62%

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@JeyKey Experiencing the same Nuki 4 pro freeze like you. I‘m still on stable firmware 4.2.8 and no beta installed. However what I noticed is that the lock does still response to HomeKit / matter and I am able to lock / unlock it. But that doesn’t help because you cannot open the door via HomeKit at the moment.

The only solution for me to get the lock back to connect to the Nuki app is to remove the batteries and reboot it.

@discostur try pressing the button until the LED is permanently on (~5 sec), see my video above Smart Lock (4th generation) Firmware Beta 4.3.x - #193 by jho

Hello. Since 4.3.8, the Matter Remote Access for Amazon Alexa seems to work.

What was from the beginning on not working (with no firmware) is the optimization of the movements.
My lock is closing counterclockwise. And the logic in the Programm is somehow done for clockwise closing. The movements are getting in my case longer than shorter…

Hi. It would be great if there can be added a feature that the movement of pulling the latch is programmable.
In my case the motor is always turning until the end again a hard stop which should be not the best for battery and motor.

Hi Jürgen, one question, if I update to the latest beta version and it doesn’t work well, can I go back to factory settings?

I believe I have an interesting case regarding a connectivity issue.

I have a Nuki 4 Pro installed on both my front and back doors. Both locks are currently connected via Matter/Thread.

My back door has been stable for days and has no issues, but the front door loses connection multiple times a day.

Front Door:

  • Connected via Matter/Thread, distance to the hub approximately 2-3 meters
  • Nuki Keypad 2 connected
  • Button or bar handle
  • Firmware version 4.3.8

Back Door:

  • Connected via Matter/Thread, distance to the hub approximately 15 meters
  • No accessories connected
  • Lever-operated multi-point lock
  • Firmware version 4.3.8

Could the issue be related to the keypad? I also tried WiFi instead of thread, but experienced the exact same issue then.

No - see in the FAQ here - Beta Application Form - Nuki

Thanks, then I won’t risk installing 4.3.8 until the majority of users confirm the solution to the connection problems, which is my case.


Connected my smartlock pro 4.0 via matter

In the beginning it works fine but now the lid messages when someone open the door arrive very late

Did some exlierinece the same issue and how can I solve it ?

Using iOS and connected via Homey pro 2023

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Original post has been updated with release notes for the Smart Lock (4th generation) Beta 4.3.9

  • This Beta fixes the known problems with Bluetooth or WIFI/Thread connectivity mentioned in the last beta release notes.
  • Remote access via Thread does produce less reconnects and should be more stable now.

This beta is supposed to be the final beta before the next release. Please report any problems you have with it.


One important note: There has been a configuration mistake at Nuki side, which can prevent some Smart Locks from automatically updating to 4.3.9.

If you have Auto-Update enabled and your Smart Lock did not yet update to 4.3.9 automatically, please do so manually with the Nuki App.

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It would be nice if those who have installed 4.3.9 could confirm here that the connection problems have been solved.

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I have installed beta version 4.3.9 on me SL4 and now in the last two days I have issue with the bluetooth connection, the smartphone and the fob could not connect to the lock. Remove the batteries solve the problem and the bluetooth start to work again.
I have no such issue with previuos beta versions.

I found that the issue was not due to connection problem or beta firmware, but was related to battery. The SL4 told me that the battery was at 56% but instead the battery was lower and the SL4 didn’t work correctly. I have replaced the battery with new one and now the bluetooth connection issue seems to be gone.


Ciao Simone hai sostituito la batteria in garanzia?

no utilizzo normali batterie ricaricabili. Le ho solo sostituite con batterie cariche.

The last beta has now passed all tests and has been publicly released as 4.3.10. The roll-out via automatic update happens in stages over the next few weeks. A manual update through the Nuki App is always possible.

This topic will now be closed. Thank you for the participation and the provided feedback during the beta phase. :pray:

The new Beta iteration 4.4.x has been started in parallel, thus please use following topic to report your findings and feedback: Smart Lock (4th generation) Firmware Beta 4.4.x

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