Smart Lock 3.10.x Beta

I have setup a ping every second to both of my devices. Tomorrow I will share the results.

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Here we go… with pinging the NUKI lock it is not possible to keep it online. It is also nice to sse that the MQTT status still exists for some time (few minutes) before it is reset by timeouts.

This corresponds to my previous finding from the WiFi log, that it seems that the NUKI lock does not log off correctly before going into some kind of sleep mode to save battery. I think the NUKI lock does not send any association request frame when saving battery to the WiFi AP to keep its authenticated status before its authentication timeout expires - or the timings are to tough for saving more battery as in the previous software versions (earlier as 3.9.5).

This is not what’s going on. I’ll send you a DM with more informations.

There was no change in regards to this from 3.8.x to 3.9.x or 3.10.x.

I am still not able to update from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1
I enabled the auto update and it does not work and I also tried directly to trigger the update and it does not work. I klick on “update now” and then I get: “Um die Firmware deines Smart Locks zu aktualisieren, musst du dich in Bluetooth-Reichweite befinden.”

Why is it not possible to update my smart lock?

Is there some known issue between FOB and 3.10.1?
My FOB seems to be connected (as per the Nuki Android app) but pressing the button do nothing…


any idea, when a Fixed Firmware will be released?

It is now more than one month ago, when the MQTT problems appeard for near all (perhaps all) NUKI 3 Pros.

I hope that it will be solved soon, because the trust in Firmware upgrades is near gone for me.
I was asked to upgrade Firmware of Keypad. But I have not installed immediately, because I somehow didn’t trust the Firmware updates anymore 100%.
As we see, the problem is, that problems, which will come in, will not immediately be solved :frowning:, which show, that it would be better to wait several month, before installing Firmware update.

I have seen, that question was already raised. Why it is not possible to roll back to previous version before 3.9.5? Everything was fine with older Firmware.

Is there any way to rollback?



It is much more then a month…

i have the same problem. Nuki 3.0 Firmware 3.9.5
Wifi is OK but MQTT continue to disconnect.

2024-06-09 15:18:49: New client connected from as SL3P_38B8DB64 (p2, c1, k300, u’mqtt_user’).
2024-06-09 15:36:55: Client SL3P_38B8DB64 closed its connection.
2024-06-09 16:00:57: New client connected from as SL3P_38B8DB64 (p2, c1, k300, u’mqtt_user’).

it is really too long that the problem persists. bring out a stable firmware (not beta) that can solve this situation. The product remains unmanageable, using wifi allows use but the response times are slower than mqtt. Restore as soon as possible now we have been waiting for months and given the cost of the product compared to the competition I expect quality and that the resolution of such a problem should be your priority.

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This is exactly what I see in my setup with Nuki 3.0 Pro, Firmware 3.9.5, Home Assistant 2024.6.1 and Mosquitto broker 6.4.1 Add-on. How can we get back to a MQTT-stable Firmware???

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This thread is for the 3.10.x Beta. Please only post here if you are testing beta firmware.

If you do not want to join the beta, please contact our support via the Nuki App (Menu > Help > Contact Customer Support) in order to report problems. They will be gathered and forwarded to the development team.

And because most of the problems are coming from WiFi problems, please make sure to also look at this FAQ.

Hi, just wanted to share that since I’m on 3.10.1 the MQTT-problems with my smartlock 3.0 pro are over. I use the lock with Home Assistant and it is working as expected again. So thanks!

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I was affraid updating to Beta 3.10.1, but at least since update of one of my NUKIs, MQTT is stable since more than one day.

Other NUKI is still on 3.9.5 and for this one it is enough to switch to “Wartungsmodus” to get it working for some days.

Switching to “Wartungsmodus” was not working for the other one, where I have installed now 3.10.1.

I hope that a final version will fix it permanently on both NUKIs.


Original post has been updated with release notes for the Smart Lock 3.0 Beta 3.10.2

This Beta includes improvements for the WiFi stability. Next to that the MQTT Auto Discovery for Home Assistant got enhanced by new supported states (open, opening).

Please update to this new Beta version and report your findings within this channel.

Thank you! :pray:

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To provide more context on the new Beta:

  • The WiFi setting has been adapted for the Energy saving mode FAST, thus we recommend to apply this setting if you are encountering issues with your WiFi connection with the settings AUTOMATIC and MEDIUM

  • On the MQTT API from now on QoS=2 is disabled, which should further increase the connection stability via the MQTT API. To apply this new setting the MQTT connection has to be once manually re-established (simply by saving the MQTT settings via the Nuki App)


Updated to 3.10.2 and now it‘s getting unavailable again!
3.10.1 Connection was stable. Although commands were processed slowly from time to time. But 3.10.2 is a step back :weary:

Here’s what happened after upgrading last night at 9pm:

I installed 3.10.2 last night and although early days, there are fewer dropouts than 3.9.5 over the same time period the previous day but its still happening, its still not stable

Forgot to disable auto update and got 3.10.2 pushed. And can confirm, that I see more outages again than with 3.10.1 version. It’s a tragedy.
But anyway, I don’t expect anything helpful any longer. I mark reliable MQTT support as not existing and put my smarthome activities into devices, I have better control over …


same for me. 3.10.1 was working fine so far. But then I have upgraded to 3.10.2 and it is as for all other here. It has several outages.

A rollback to 3.10.1 would be fine. Perhaps you should think about roolback option.

And I hope that a solution will be released earlier than last time.


Same for me.
3.10.1 was stable.
3.10.2 is unfortunately a step backwards.

Home Assistant 2024.6.3
Mosquitto Broker 6.4.1 Add-on