SKS HT4600 or BS2012, compatible Nuki Opener

nice! thank you!
so this is the loudspeaker pcb from HT4600 right?
does this only enable “ring to open” or is this able to control the open signal without any ring?
if so, it would be interessting how it could handle multiple doors.

am i right, that this pcb can be connect just in parallel on the bus to existing intercoms?

My Opener works with SKS HT4600 cabled like shown on the photo from @Panda. But actually just the open function. Ring detection doesn’t work yet. I am working on it. I configured my System as “Generic”>“Analogue”.

so you are able to just randomly send an “open” signal without any ring being there?

Thanks a lot for the response! So did you have to irreversibly modify anything to achieve this so far, or were you able to kind of “hook” into it?

I didn’t have any hopes that anything would work, so I just left my HT4600 untouched, but now I might just give this a try as well. :slight_smile:

When I ring my bell manually by pushing the button next to my door I can open the door with the opener. But the opener don’t detect the ring. I think the cabeling is wrong? There is the yellow wire to the speaker and a black wire from the speaker (and all other components in the phone, so it have to be GND). I will draw my cabeling later and post it here. Maybe someone sees the mistake.

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I cabled it like shown below and described by @Panda. Why do the Ring detection not work correctly? Someone an idea? The installation guide in the App says, that I have to connect the orange cable with the mic. But I don’t know what it should be used for.


You need to contact Georg_S as I have written in my other post for the il vetro. He has to enable analog detection on your Opener. It is not available as a setting to the end user.

Okay, thx! I wrote him a few minutes ago because first I didn’t read that little but important information. Then I will spend my time with soldering it propperly.

IT WORKS!!! SKS HT4600 with Nuki Opener as “Generic”>“Analogue”. I don’t know if @Georg_S programmed my Ring Detection in the last hours or if it works without any changes from an admin. But here are some pictures:

My Adapter "Nuki to Molex"

SKS HT4600 with Molex soldered to PCB and Speaker-Contact

My installation

I would recommend to let more spare cable to the Opener or using a much more little plug than molex. It was very hard to close the case. I wanted to use a plug because it is not my own flat and i want an easy way to deinstall the opener. If you want you can solder the Opener cable directly to the PCB.

THX @Panda and the others here to find a solution together! If SKS would talk to Nuki (or otherwise) to support this series officialy it would much greater than this DIY solution, but for me it is really ok!

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


Hey @DominikZ , thanks a lot for reporting your results here!

Just a couple of questions that would be great if you could clarify. :slight_smile:

My understanding is that you cannot trigger opening the door without ringing the bell first, right? Or can you also simply go to the app and hit “Open” and it will buzz you in right away?

So if that’s the case, how has your experience with the “ring to open” feature been? Does it work reliably with this approach?

Just want to make sure it’s worth it before I get to soldering.

Thanks a lot!


My understanding is that you cannot trigger opening the door without ringing the bell first, right? Or can you also simply go to the app and hit “Open” and it will buzz you in right away?

Correct! I’ve read some SKS manuals to check this function but all of them say you have to ring the bell first before you can open the door. It has nothing to do with the functionality of nuki but with the configuration of the HT4600 by SKS. Also you can’t open the door by pressing the button on your HT4600 without a bell rang before.

So if that’s the case, how has your experience with the “ring to open” feature been? Does it work reliably with this approach?

Ring-to-Open works perfectly! When I leave the house to walk around with my dog I press the button on the Opener to activate Ring-To-Open and when I come back I ring at the door an Nuki opens the door. Also the Geofencing Ring-to-open works great. I’ve checked it some times and everytime my door was opened by nuki. Also with my brother (I set him up as user for my nuki products). And last but not least, when I ring my bell i can open the door with the app.


Since Update to Version 1.4.4 of the Opener, everytime I push the Button on the Opener, the loudspeak of the SKS sounds electric. I think there is a fault within the update. Anyone ideas or the same problem?

+1 HT 4500/3, please!

Kann die Anleitung von @Panda und @DominikZ bestätigen, vielen Dank dafür!
Die Verkabelung passt und mit Generic + Analogue ist der Opener voll funktionsfähig.
Mit der neuesten Software war auch alles out-of-the Box funktionsfähig.

Anbei finales Bild der Zielverkabelung.

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@Panda, @DominikZ, @flymg is something similar with the HT4500/3 possible? Any kind of documented workaround somewhere? Soldering wouldn‘t be a problem for me.

I just followed the manual of @Panda . I don’t know something about other models of SKS, sorrry.

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Also ich habe es jetzt auch an einer SKS HT4600-1 Mit der Artikelnummer 200009 vom 18.04.2013 soweit mit der Beschreibung von @Panda und @DominikZ hinbekommen.

Was ich noch nicht genau verstanden habe ist das mit “Generic + Analogue”. Hier hatte ich zwar @Georg_S angeschrieben und mich auf diesen Beitrag hier berufen, aber aktuell noch keine Rückmeldung erhalten.

Ich hatte zuerst dann den Wizard für die Einrichtung gewählt, und “einfach mal” die HT 2500 aus dem Menü gewählt. Damit konnte ich soweit alles einrichten bis auf die Möglichkeit, dass ich in der App ohne vorher zu Klingeln die Tür öffnen kann. Ring to open Button war vorhanden und funktionierte auch.
Mich störte aber, dass ich die HT 2500 da in der App stehen habe, da es ja nicht stimmt, und habe noch mal mit dieser “weitere Anlagen” Option das ganze aufgesetzt. Da fehlte dann in der App der Ring to open Button. Also noch mal neu mit dem Installations-Wizard auf die HT 4600-1 mit dem Ablauf der HT 2500 eingerichtet, und da war dann auch wieder der Ring to open Button.

Soweit funktioniert also alles… Meine Frage wäre jetzt… Kann man mit dieser “Generic + Analogue” dann auch per Swype ohne zu klingeln die Tür öffnen bei dieser SKS 4600?
Oder Welche Funktion bringt diese Option noch mit sich die sonst nicht klappt.

Ich danke allen hier für diese Infos.
Auch wenn es was für Bastler ist habt ihr mich sehr Glücklich gemacht, und ich hoffe jetzt noch mal auf eine Info zum öffnen per Swype oder Klick ohne vorher zu klingeln.

Funktioniert einwandfrei genau wie von Marius und Dominik beschrieben - Vielen Dank für die Bilder von der Verkabelung.

Gibt es einen bestimmten Grund warum das orange Kabel nicht belegt ist?

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I‘ve switched my HT4500 to HT4600 and followed the instructions above. It works fine. The only things that bother me is the ring suppression. It don’t work as intended. The ring always starts for 1-2 seconds and is cut off suddenly. It‘s not completely silent. Any idea how to solve this?

I have the exact same problem as Nielsen.

Also ring detection does not work 100% of the time. Sometimes it takes three times pressing the button downstairs for the opener to detect the ring signal.