Ritto 6111 compatibility? Pinout/cabling scheme of Opener available?

is there a cabling scheme of the Opener available or is it already compatible with the Ritto 6111 door station?

It looks like a VERY simple cabling but uses 4 cables pretty efficiently. Since I have not found a cabling scheme of the opener, I cannot really experiment myself - is there a pinout/cabling scheme of the opener somewhere?

Or are there any plans to make the Ritto 6111 compatible?

Technical Specs are on page 8 of https://www.ritto.de/fileadmin/import/files/technische_informationen/Archiv_Alle_Plaene.pdf (Wohnungssprechstelle 6110, 6111)

Thanks a lot and best regards

Cabling scheme is in this document:

Thanks a lot, Jürgen, I haven’t seen that document during my searches.
I will give it a try when I have enough time.


I’ve been toying with an opener and a ritto 6110 as well.

The following config worked (for a few days)

(1) → Green
(2) → Empty

(3) → Blue
(D) → Violet

As mentioned, it worked for a few days, but stopped working a few days ago. None of the enviroment variables has changed, so I assume, that 1.3 or 1.3.1 has broken something.

Okay, after a bit of debugging and annoying my neighbors I got a working config:

(1) → Green AND Violet
(2) → Empty

(3) → Blue
(D) → Empty

Seems not right, but is working for the moment.

Hallo ich habe den Opener gemäß der Beschreibung angeschlossen. Siehe Bild

Ich kann die Haustür jetzt über die App öffnen, aber das Ringtoopen funktioniert nicht.

Was kann ich noch tun?


I have a Ritto 6110, too.
But I’m a little bit confused about my given settings. Can you post a picture of your configuration please?

This is mine:

Solved: Opener fully compatible with Ritto 6111 (including ring detection/suppression)

Thanks Kic!