Ritto 4630/01 compatible?

The problem is not the speaker unit itself, but the transformer that is mounted on the central panel. There are vastly differing systems out there in the wild and the Openers standard “Ritto” profile is not yet compatible to all of them.

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I’m going to send you some instructions via PM on how to make 1.2.2 work with your Opener.

Hello PatrikB78,

you wrote at RITTO 4630/02 success with a pre-beta. What is with your Ritto 4630/01?
Thank you very much.

Thanks for your hint. My fault. I was talking about my 4630/01.

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Hello @Juergen,
when is the release date of that pre-beta?

The new firmware repairs the Open function via App for the Ritto 4630/01. But ring to open is farther broken.

Hi Erol,

thank you. What new firmware do you mean?


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Hello @Juergen,

when do you release that 4630/01 compatibility of beta firmware 1.2.4? :slightly_smiling_face:

If beta testing goes well within the next weeks.

Hello @Juergen,

do you have some news?

New firmware release is scheduled for this week. 4630 support has much improved: Most systems work out of the box with default settings, some need special parameters (Nuki support can help).

Thanks @Juergen !
Today I came to test it finally with my 4630/02.
It does work much better than before. So it recognizes the ring (which did not work before). I followed the wiring instruction and made sure it’s correct twice.

Anyhow, it can not open the lock at the gate (the button on my ritto works though). Also, I tried the 2-persons variant to configure it but it didn’t help either.

What else could I do to to configure it?

Btw, others in my compound use newer phones at the same bus. (If that makes any difference).

Any help is greatly appreciated, I believe it’s only the last bit of modification.

Ich habe es heute auch mal an meiner 4630/2 getestet.
Beim Einrichten erkennt Nuki das drücken des Türöffners an der Sprechanlage aber nicht das klingeln an der Haustüre und kann die Türe auch nicht öffnen.
Opener Software 1.2.6

Habe heute die Opener Version 1.2.7 installiert.
Der Opener erkennt das Drücken des Türöffners an der Sprechanlage und das Klingeln an der Haustüre.
Die Türe kann aber weder durch die App noch per klingeln geöffnet werden.

I’ve changed the delay (Settings -> Administration -> Delay when opening [might be slightly different in english. On german it is “Verzögerung beim Öffnen”]) to 3 seconds. Since then Ring-To-Open works quite smooth :slight_smile:

Hab´s probiert mit der Verzögerung - Türe öffnet trotzdem nicht.

Nach der Hilfe von Jürgen funktioniert jetzt alles bestens - danke.

@RuedigerW could you provide the necessary steps here? So everyone can have the advantages of it :slight_smile:

Jürgen has worked here with different PIN numbers - I think the settings were individual. I do not want to publish the pin numbers. Please contact Jürgen.