Open-sourcing the Nuki Smart Lock app for Garmin watches

Product name

Nuki Smart Lock app for Garmin


Given that Nuki is prioritizing the development of its apps for WearOS, Apple Watch, and Huawei smartwatches over the Garmin app, an alternative solution could be to open-source the Garmin app. By publishing the source code on GitHub, Nuki could leverage the community to identify and fix bugs, as well as improve the overall functionality of the app.


The Garmin app currently suffers from numerous bugs, as highlighted by the considerable number of negative reviews.

Since the app is officially listed under the “Nuki” brand, its unreliability can harm the company’s reputation and frustrate users. Open-sourcing the app would empower the community to fix these issues, potentially turning it into a reliable tool that complements Nuki’s broader ecosystem.