One FOB to Opener and SmartLock

When the Fob is paired to several devices it scans for the actuator with the strongest signal and unlocks this one.

Usually the BLE reach of the Fob is not big enough to reach the Opener when in front of the buildings main entrance. Fob support for the Opener was intended for usage scenarios where the Opener is mounted directly next to the door that should be unlocked and not for the scenario where Smart Lock and Opener are next to each other inside the flat and both within BLE reach from the front door.

There is a feature request covering your problem. You could vote for it: Make Fob work with several devices (e.g. Smart Lock and Opener) at the same time

Other options for the time beeing are to use a Keypad with one of the actuators and the Fob only with the other one or to link the Opener via IFTTT together with the Smart Lock (i.e. If the Opener has been unlocked with the Fob then also unlock the Smart Lock).

For more information please contact our support via or for more detailed information.

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