Nuki Pro 4.0 not responding

Hi all,

I got my Nuki Pro 4.0 just yesterday and installed it with Firmware 4.1.8.

Today I was outside the door but the door just won’t open.
Nuki App is stuck at “connecting” or “loading”.
After multiple tries with the Nuki App, I switched to the Apple Home App. With that I was able to open the door.

It seems to me that there is an issue with the Nuki App communicating with the device.

Information about my setup:
Matter connection was established with Apple TV 4K as Hub.
I have a Fritzbox 6660 as a router.
Using an iPhone 15 Pro Max with iOS 17.4.

Anyone with similar experience?

Starting Friday I’d similar Problems. Homekit via ATV works but with the app has problems like you. After restart it works but today I’d the same problem. Restart and it works correct…

Is this a problem of the Server of Nuki? Bluetooth seems to be OK.

I try to check the exact case:

  • When I try to open / close the door in the WLAN, everything works fine.
  • When I’m coming home, Auto Unlock or open works fine. In Front of the door there is 5G or Bluetooth or maybe a change to WLAN.
  • But after that, the app can’t connect via Matter or WIFI.
  • After 10 Seconds it falls back to Bluetooth and stays there without Matter or WIFI (Web, Android and iOS)
  • Homekit works fine, so it should be connected
  • A reset of the lock (Battery out / in) or a reset of the WLAN helps to get the connection back. In some cases an open and close via bluetooth helps.
  • Log Items of the downtime are lost even after the reconnect.

Do you have any Idea? Should be a bug?

The problem seems to be longer active than Friday. I tried to remove Nuki Web and configured it again… We‘ll see :slight_smile:

Same here. Randomly no connection to matter.

I singed up for beta and try the next firmware if that shows any improvement with connection stability.

Thank you for your reply!

Which Type of border router do you use? Is only the Nuki App offline or is the Nuki device even for the border router offline?

One day without Log, reset of NukiWeb and energy mode middle the testcases are OK… I hope that it’ll work and the Nuki Support can optimize the software for this overall good product.

The testcases are good even on day 2 :slight_smile:

→ FW 4.1.8
→ The problem got massiv when the door sensor was installed (more log events)
→ For test I deactivated the log
→ Now the situation seems to be good (Matter was responsiv for 48h)

Could the sync of the log be a bug for the Matter case? Without door sensor with less log entrys it was not so extreme… I would be happy with this situation if it stays so… with log it would be even better :wink:

What says Nuki to this idea?

I have the same problem, the app can’t connect via the internet while bluetooth works ok. It is interesting that through the web Nuki works for me and I can manage it. Has anyone posted a solution

After reset NukiWeb with the user and deactivate the log of the Nuki it works well. Can you test it?

Hallo, I had same problem that i takes always long time to connect to my Nuki remotly.
Sometimes take really long or is not working at all.

my setup:
FW 4.2.4
Connection via Matter (homeassistant)
door sensor was installed

I read your post and deactivated the LOG for the door sensor.

Now it is much more responsive. Connects in a few seconds.

Thanks for the hint.

Oh, that’s great :slight_smile: I hope that Nuki can optimize the version by optimizing the code around the log :slight_smile:

PS: If you deactivate the log it should be total stable?

I have resolve my problem. I have delet app and reinstal then everthing work like before, perfekt

I just recently purchased a Nuki Pro 4 and have the latest firmware installed and have exactly the same issue with the Nuki app connecting irregularly with the lock. Oftentimes the connecting is stuck even while trying to change some settings.

I thought the purchase would be an upgrade to my existing Nuki locks, but now I am very disappointed. Even unlatching the door lock does not work oftentimes and needs several attempts… with no option to customize this, it seems. Recalibrating did also not help. With the old Nuki this worked flawlessly, the only thing that was annoying was the delay in response there.

Same experience for me. It’s really driving me absolutely mad since a smart lock should work 100% otherwise it’s useless.

Having exact the same problem since two weeks. Nuki 4 is on firmware 4.2.8 and iPhone app on the latest release!

I even tried to open the door today and I didn’t get a connection at all! Tried at least for 10 minutes but I were not able to open the door!! The lock seems to be active because when I touched the button from inside the led was working normal.

This is a shame! Why should I buy a Nuki if I cannot open my door with it!!!

Hi Sven, your connection is still working fine? no more wifi problems?

Hello Florian, have you managed to no longer have Wi-Fi problems? I have the same problem, it loses the Wi-Fi connection continuously, I recover it following the technicians’ instructions but after a few hours it loses the connection again so I can only use the lock via Bluetooth when I am nearby. I’ve tried everything from setting the battery to “medium” and “fast” (which only drains the battery quickly) to creating a guest network just for Nuki but the same thing happens. Say that I don’t have a door sensor, my router is 3 m away. and I have connected Tuya devices that work correctly.

Without the Log or Nuki Web my Nuki 4 Pro works very good. With the 17.5 Apple TV, I use Matter with very good energy consumption. The WLAN worked with this configuration, too. But now I’m only using matter for the last 2 month.

Have you tried to deactivate Nuki Web and the Log for your test? Do you’ve the latest firmware?

Thank you very much Florian for your response. Unfortunately I got very angry with Nuki and I returned my smart lock pro 4.0 but I can buy it again, first I need to understand what you are telling me (I use Google translation).
I don’t quite understand what you mean by Without the Log, can you explain better?
I understand that you have canceled yourself from Nuki Web and are no longer logged in, right?
Also, you have tried for several days only with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (without Matter or Threat) and you have not lost the connection with the Nuki server.
How far away is the router from the smart lock?
How is the battery setting? automatic?
Do you use your normal 2.4 wifi or have you created a wifi for guests?
Please confirm this for me.
Thanks a lot.

I don’t quite understand what you mean by Without the Log, can you explain better?
→ The log events are turned off in the settings (German “Protokoll”)

I understand that you have canceled yourself from Nuki Web and are no longer logged in, right?
→ I removed the lock from the Nuki Web and delete the “NukiWeb” user in the settings.

Also, you have tried for several days only with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (without Matter or Threat) and you have not lost the connection with the Nuki server.
→ My connection was OK until 1 to 3 open events. Afterwards the connection was lost. After installing the door sensor the problem was very extreme. With the deactivation of Log & Nuki Web, the Nuki works very good. Maybe the deactivation of one method is enough?

How far away is the router from the smart lock?
→ ATV and Router are one wall and 2 meters away.

How is the battery setting? automatic?
→ Yes.

Do you use your normal 2.4 wifi or have you created a wifi for guests?
→ I tried the guest WLAN but that doesn’t help me. But after that I use the normal one (2,4/5 Fritzbox 7590 AX). Now I Use Matter (Apple TV 17.5).