Nuki Pro 4.0 not responding


I have similar problem but in my case I can see Nuki Lock through Matter and MQTT, my iPhone is connected via Bluetooth to the app but the app is not responsive. The Auto Unlock doesn’t work, can’t access to settings returning always a message that to manage the lock I should be connected via Bluetooth or WiFi. The Keypad doesn’t work either nor via fingerprint or PIN and the only thing that still works is Home Assistant via MQTT that can connect and unlock. Seems like the Door Sensor doesn’t work either since it doesn’t lock when I close the door only when the timeout that I defined in the app before triggers the lock.
This happened when the battery was below 18% and I swap it to a new battery. Since then I’m only able to manage the lock through Home Assistant and none of the app features are working neither the accessories. This is really annoying and it doesn’t give me any confidence in the system. Why the hell the Keypad doesn’t work nor the Door Sensor? I can understand the Auto Unlock since it requires to see the phone nearby and it seems that despite the phone says that it’s connected to the lock via Bluetooth for the app I’m not, but the accessories should work as normal since they are not dependent on the app, or so I thought

The app stays forever like this

I’m using iOS 18 but it was working fine before the battery was bellow 18%

This is my first post here since I only this week acquired a Nuki 4.0 Pro. I already had to “restart” (battery-pack out/in) my Nuki 7 times to get things working “as advertised” again, because of the all the same problems as described here. Paring with Apple Home via the Matter code took me 31 (!) trials before it finally “worked”: that took me almost 3 hours! Another thing I am “not happy” about is that Nuki does not mention in the “sales-texts” that the Door Sensor does NOT work when used with a (steel containing) security-door and/or steel door-frame. After searching I found it in the FAQ of the door-sensor but I would be much better if this was mentioned in the “commercial text”. Afterwards I do understand WHY the sensor does not work on such doors. So far I am not really convinced about Nuki’s performance