Nuki Pro 4.0 don't receive MQTT messagges

Hi all,

It’s from yesterday that when I sent MQTT messages through Home Assistant, the Nuki Pro 4.0 doesn’t do anything. I can’t open or close the Nuki from Home Assistant.

Home Assistant can easily read the MQTT messages that the Nuki sends. Nuki Version Firmware 4.1.8

Here some logs:

2024-02-20 22:35:12.315 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Received message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/connected (qos=0): b'true'
2024-02-20 22:35:13.034 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Received message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/batteryChargeState (qos=0): b'67'
2024-02-20 22:35:13.037 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Received message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/batteryCritical (qos=0): b'false'
2024-02-20 22:35:13.038 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Received message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/batteryCharging (qos=0): b'false'
2024-02-20 22:35:13.039 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Received message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/state (qos=0): b'1'
2024-02-20 22:35:13.039 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.models] Rendering incoming payload '1' with variables {'entity_id': 'lock.stock', 'name': '', 'this': <template TemplateStateFromEntityId(lock.stock)>} and Template<template=({% if value in ("5","6","7") %}3{% else %}{{value}}{% endif %}) renders=6>
2024-02-20 22:35:45.885 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '1', mid: 49, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:01.471 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '3', mid: 50, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:02.929 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '3', mid: 51, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:03.109 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '3', mid: 52, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:03.469 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '2', mid: 53, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:04.641 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '3', mid: 54, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:04.819 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '3', mid: 55, qos: 0
2024-02-20 22:36:05.009 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Transmitting message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/lockAction: '3', mid: 56, qos: 0
1 Like

I have exact the Same problem

Exactly the same issue. Only manually reconnecting mqtt helps for aproximately 24hrs.

Exactly the same issue at my place. For me, I think it started with the Firmware 4.1.8
I had the device working properly for some days before, after upgrading controlling it via HomeAssistant was gone.
On reddit someone mentions that its helpful to disable/enable “Auto locking function”, but in my case that only worked for some hours.

In my case I can have a working connection if I pull the battery and plug it back in for like one or two days, than it is gone again. The nuki app does work fine all the time, but thats just boring :slight_smile:

Found a longer thread, this can possibly marked as duplicate:

i run in the same issue. if i unplug and re-plug the battery, mqtt works for about 24/48 hours then it go down.
any idea?
beta fw fix this? it is a big issue

There are two topics for the same problem. Please follow this topic about any updates: SL4P MQTT Problems since Nuki FW Update 4.1.8