Nuki Opener not compatible with Urmet 1130/16?


I have an Urmet 1130/16 intercom and want to use the Nuki Opener. Can you please tell me, which model I should choose for configuration or which pin assignment is the right one?

That’s my model: Urmet 1130/16 - Universal-Türsprechanlage : Baumarkt

Currently it is wired that way and working:

When I choose the model Urmet 1130 during Nuki Opener setup it tells me the following pin assignment, but my Urmet 1130/16 does not have a pin 7:

The suggested pin assignment for model Urmet 1133 also does not work:

Could you please tell me, which model or pin assignment I should try to get it to work? Or is the Opener just not compatible with my model?

Here is the manual of my Urmet 1130/16 intercom. Can someone please tell me which pin assignment is the correct for me?

Block seven is block ca in your intercom, and I assume you have a separate bell, because there is no wire in block ca of your intercom!?

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Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:
Yes, I have a separate bell.

When block 7 is “CA” then it should work like described for Urmet 1133, but it does not :frowning:


Do you know why or what I should change?

Yeah it cannot work, because ca (7) is the call sign, and it can go to the ca (7) block, where your intercom would make the ring sound, or it can go to a seperate bell, where you have than no wire in ca (7) Block, what you have. So you have to wire the seperate bell to the opener (like I have - see picture) for the ring functions of the opener to work.

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Hello @Rose_Languste and thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

You are right, I have a seperate bell. But does that automatically mean, that the opener won’t work with my current cables? Although the opener can’t recognize when someone rings, but it should be able to just open the door, when I use the app? Or will that also not work?
In the setup steps the nuki app even provides an option, that one does not have a call cable.

Yes you are right, my answers was because you asked for the call. But just for opening, what I see your system is a analogue system, then you need the blue and purple wires of the opener function, take the purple opener wire in block 9 of your intercom, and the blue opener wire in block 10 (if 10 not work then blue opener wire in block 6 of your intercom) of your intercom, finish. This is just for opening.

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Hello @Rose_Languste thank you so much for your help, opening is working now! But I absolutely don’t understand why. I did put the pruple cable into block 9 and the blue cable into the block 10 like you said and opening is working fine!

But why is it working? The documentation of Nuki says purple should go into block 6 and blue into block 9:


Can you please also help me now, to get all features working?

If I put the twisted cables (marked as 20 in the screenshot below) into CA my intercom is ringing and also my seperate bell:

So the first wires are going to my intercom and then into the seperate bell. But can you please tell me, how I should wire the rest of the Nuki Opener cables to have all features?

Hello! Glad it works! It’s because normally there is a jumper-bridge between 6 and 10, but in few cases not (like in yours), and that’s changing the connection shema. For the ring function, take the nuki clamp, take the yellow and brown wire what is twisted together, and take them in one of the two ports of the clamp, then take the yellow opener-wire, and put it in the second port of the clamp, now take the green opener wire, and take it in the ca block of your intercom, finish. Now the ring functions should be there fully, but look that ring-supression is disabled (in the nuki app), because otherwise the ring dont goes through. Let me know.

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I will try when I am back home.
I tried before with the yellow and brown twisted cables connected with yellow Nuki cable. But then the Intercom was ringing, when I presses to open. Is this normal??


before it was wired like that: (a combination of your suggestion for purple cable to block 9 and blue cable to block 10 and the other cables like the Nuki app suggested):
Purple: 9
Blue: 10
Red: 1
Black: 9 (cause Nuki documentation uses purple and black for same port)
Green: CA
Orange: 2

Everything is working, but when I press the opener on the intercom, or open via Nuki App, the intercom is ringing for the same duration as opening.

So then I tried your suggestion with only 3 cables:
Purple: 9
Blue: 10
Green: CA

But unfortunately the same problem. The intercom is ringing, when I am opening. Do you know how to fix this? Thanks for all your help @Rose_Languste !!

Ah ok! Please try this, turn on ring-supression in the nuki app, and try ringing, - now the intercom should not ring anymore, but your external bell should. Let me know, if I am right.

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Should I try this using only 3 Nuki cables connected, or all connected like first example?

There must be any problem, cause when I open the door I get a message from Nuki that someone has ringed. Ring supression does work, but then also the external bell does not ring.

Do you know what the problem could be @Rose_Languste ?

Edit: As final solution I would prefer that only my intercom will ring and I don’t use the external bell anymore (if possible).

All connected please! And try to take out the twisted wires of the clamp, then untwist the brown wire from the yellows ones, then let the brown away, and then take one of the yellow wires in the first port of the clamp, and the yellow opener wire in the second port of the clamp, now twist the second yellow wire with the green opener wire and put them together in the ca block of the intercom, now disable ring-supression and try, now the seperate bell should be disabled, and just the intercom will ring. Let me know.

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But is this the correct wiring for “all connected”?

Purple: 9
Blue: 10
Red: 1
Black: 9 (cause Nuki documentation uses purple and black for same port)
Green: CA
Orange: 2

I am unsure because of black wire.

@Rose_Languste wow, you are amazing! Everything is working now, like I wanted with that wiring, like you described:

Only one thing I recognized now and forgot to say: When someone does ring at the entry door on the ground floor everything is fine.
But I live in a higher floor and if someone does ring directly in front of the door of my flat, then Nuki Opener thinks the same (that someone is ringing on ground floor).

Is it possible, that when someone does ring directly in front of my door, that I don’t get any notification of Nuki App and only the separate bell will ring? So it would be perfect, cause then I would have a different ringtone, when someone is already directly in front of my door. But is that possible?

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I’m very glad, it works now! For the ringing down or up is normal, the opener has no ability to recognise, from where the ring is coming (this would be only possible with bus devices, what have a different signal down and up, where the opener can see the difference, but I am not sure, if the opener supports this at all yet!?)! But you have a external bell, so of course its possible, that the seperate bell will only triggered by the ring button upstairs, so what you want should be possible, - but I have to look at the Fotos and thinking a bit about it, to find a possibility! I will do it, and contact you again tomorrow at the latest!

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Thank you soo much!!

Maybe I would have to do something with the other twisted yellow cables which we did not use for anything until now?

No problem! There are two possibilities, the first, the ring wire goes from the ring button down to your ring button up, and from there to your intercom, then you would have no possibility, to recognise from where the ring is coming, - and the second, the ring wire goes from the ring button down directly to your intercom, and also the same for the ring button up, and your wiring looks the later. So the import thing is to find the wire, what comes only from the ring button up, and this one we would take out of the opener circuit, and would it twist together with the brown wire, this way then only when someone rings up, only the seperate bell would ring, and the opener would do nothing, because it would not detect it. So we have to find this wire.

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Thank you @Rose_Languste but I am unsure, how to find that out.

I did the following now:

  • Unplugged the yellow cable from CA block (so that the intercom won’t ring during testing)
  • Unplugged the other yellow cable fro mthe clamp

Then I tried separately each of the 4 yellow cables to twist with the brown cable and press the ring button in front of my door. I hoped that in one case my separate bell should ring, but it did not.

Could you please explain me, how is the correct way to find out the right cable?