Nuki opener for intercom TEGUI 374294 Serie 8 model

Could anyone share with me the right configuration of the Nuki Opener for the intercom TEGUI 374294 Serie 8 model?. I attach my intercom image witch only have the possibility to connect 2 wires. What wires I have to connect in the intercom. Opener black wire need to be together wit black wire of the intercom and purple with the other wire? What would be the enable functionality that I have?.

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Do you own the intercom/Appartement? Did you try to configure it as generic - bus ? Somewhere here was a pdf showing how to do it with officially not supported intercoms.
If you own it and the BUS system is not working - it should be a easy fix because all the buttons are hardware buttons - just need to be connected/soldered the right way and you could have full functionality (only a bumper if you need to lift the handset/receiver before you can open the door!)
Is there a speaker somewhere? Where does the sound come from?

Hola Jorge
Did you finally manage to make your Opener work with the TEGUI 374294 Series 8 model? If so, could you share a photo and explain how you did it?
Thanks in advance and greetings

Hi! I’m in the same situation with a Tegui T75 same technology as Series 8, did you find out how to make it work? Or any other solution?

I finally managed to get it working my Tegui T75E 374290 (without doorbell suppression) but the most important is that ring to open, open and notification of ring is working properly, to do it I have selected Generic > Bticino bus , and just connected basic:

then follow the app wizard, it is really important to follow BUS polarity even when in the intercom is not important for nuki opener it is.


Hello Luis, what luck to have found your answer! Please could you help me with a couple of doubts?
Do you use the bridge part or you was connected the cables directly to the Tegui BUS ports?
Can you confirm me if the bus left is the + polarity and the left is -
Thank you very much.

Hi Hugo, attached is the referenced photo where my bus cable are red and orange, then in the main board I plugged the black with the orange bus (-) and then red and orange with the red bus (+), the bus polarity can vary in any installation, but when you’re doing the enrollment process Nuki will let you know if the polarity is wrong.

Thank you very much for your time, Luis R. I have placed it as is, but it does not work. At the end of the installation process gives me an error.

Finally it works reversing the position of the Nuki wires. The error that the App gave me is polarity, as described in the official manual.

Thank you very much for your help, Luis.

Luis. Just found your comment now.
Me imagino que estás en España, como yo. Tengo un T75E igual que tú, y he estado al telefono con Tegui horas para que me digan que no es compatible. Quisiera intentar tu solución.

Tu literalmente conectaste el cable negro del opener directo al BUS- (con los otros cables que allí están conectados) y el rojo al BUS+ (de nuevo, directo al tornillo) ?

Te dejo una foto de mi setup actual, ya que tiene muchos cables en cada bus!
Ah, la última duda: ¿Cómo sabes cuál es BUS- y BUS+? En el tegui no me dice nada.

Hola @J_P1, Si, coge del Nuki el cable negro y lo conectas en el bus (-) y el rojo y naranja en el bus (+), no sabría decirte cual es el negativo o positivo, porque depende de la instalación, pero sigue los pasos de la App de Nuki que te dirá cuando está alreves, solo tienes que leer detenidamente, porque muchas veces crees que estas haciendo el mismo procedimiento pero la App te está guiando para que cambies el sentido de los cables y que corresponda el + con los colores rojo y naranja y el - con el negro.

Espero te sirva mi ayuda.


Lo hice, y detecta cuando me pide que accione el botón de apertura de la puerta (check) y también el siguiente paso, que pide tocar el intercom desde afuera lo detecta (check). Sin embargo, cuando hace la prueba de abrir la puerta, esta no abre… alguna idea?

Un saludo!

Verifica que tengas seleccionado Genérico> Btcino bus y volver a configurarlo.

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Hola @J_P1 Javier P

Te funciona? Me pasa exactamente lo mismo que cuentas.

Te agradezco de antemano si tienes la solución.


Tengo un Tegui T75E 374290, he intentado esto opción pero no me funciona, no detecta la llamada durante el proceso de configuración, solo detecta el pulsador de botón de apertura, y no puedo finalizar el proceso de configuración sin este paso. He intentado los dos modos de connection con y sin supresión de timbre, con el modo Genérico Bus Bticino, y con nigun no me detecta la llamada.

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Hello all, I need you help with t-75e, I connected all the cables and select generic Bus Bticino but when I push the open button nothing happened and it is not possible to close the configuration process. Do you have any idea, what I can try? Thank you so much :pray:

Hi everyone, it’s done, the blue and purple wires from nuki oppener are directly connected to the open button and I disconnected the speaker + wire and connected it to the green wire from nuki oppener and connected the yellow wire from nuki oppener to the speaker +. Then I configured generic and analog in the nuki app.

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