I have an Nuki Smartlock, bridge and Opener and I’m wondering, If it is possible to connect one of the Relais from the “EKEY multi reg 4” with the opener to open and close the Smartlock.
My idea is to connect the blue and purple cable from the opener the relais3 (e.g.)
Is this possible and what cable do i have to connect to PIN 16/17 or 18?
Purple to 16 and blue to 17 or 18?
Verstehe ich das richtig, das der opener dann öffnet und der Fob z.b. dann schließt?
Oder geht es mit der Autolockfunktion durch den Türsensor-Magnet, welcher immer die Tür abschliesst und ich mit dem opener dann den Öffnungsimplus vom Relais sende?
Bzw. dachte ich das ich mit dem Opener auch Garagetore öffnen und schließen kann, geht das mit dem Nuki nicht auch?
The Nuki opener is - like the Smart Lock - an actuator that can be connected to an intercom or other locking mechanism (e.g. Garage door) in order to unlock it.
The Fob is an accessory that can send lock/unlock commands to Nuki actuators.
If you want to send lock commands to a Nuki actuator you need a Fob.
The Fob can be configured to lock, unlock/unlatch or „intelligently“ (= when locked then unlock. When unlocked then lock) a door equipped with a Nuki Smart Lock.
This is a developer forum and your question are not developer related anymore. Therefore please contact our support via https://nuki.io/en/support-request/ or contact@nuki.io for more detailed information.
I talk twice with the Support and both recommond the developer the support. So now I have the Problem, who can help me.
“The Nuki opener is - like the Smart Lock - an actuator that can be connected to an intercom or other locking mechanism (e.g. Garage door) in order to unlock it.” can I connected it to the Ekey multi to open the Door?