Nuki Android App Auto Unlock: Alpha Test

Dear Developers and Android Users,

We are actively working on improving the Auto Unlock feature, and we need your help to test it on as many devices as possible!

We now focus on a new Auto Unlock solution, which relies less on the Geofences of the OS and uses other algorithms for better position detection, without compromising the data protection of the user. We also take special care to ensure that the device does not consume too much power as a result.

If you want to help us test the latest Alpha versions of Auto Unlock for Android then join the Android Auto Unlock Alpha test group: Redirecting to Google Groups

Please use the account with which you are logged into the Play Store.
After joining you have to confirm the test agreement at: - please note that without confirmation you won’t receive the app versions with the latest Auto Unlock updates!

After confirming the test agreement you will receive the Android app update via Play Store as usual.

Note: This version is an early Alpha for Auto Unlock and is therefore not meant to be used by regular users.
We will continue to improve the overall performance and the battery consumption of the Nuki app.

Join our Auto Unlock Alpha test for Android and provide us with your feedback to improve the Auto Unlock experience! Do not forget to enable the debug mode. Please send your detailed feedback and logfiles directly to our developers at

Which version of the App does have those Alpha Features for Auto Unlock?

Just to be sure to have the correct app to test it. :slight_smile:

Current Android Alpha:

Thank you.

I had to leave the beta program and join it again to get this version. :wink:

Is there also a Version with changes to AU Feature planned for iOS?

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I would also only be able to help on Ios. Big fan of Android, but boss provided iPhone, so switched.
But Autounlock is disabled on all our devices right now due to incosistency an unreliability (found the door open in teh morning after one of the iphones had trouble with GPS and decided to open the door in the middle of the night.

We just released an updated iOS app version, too.
iOS users please have a look over there:

Let’s use this thread here just for Android.

How does the Android Auto Unlock Alpha app work for you?
Please send your detailed feedback and logfiles directly to our developers at

After receiving your feedback we have now moved the latest alpha to the public beta. We still would like to receive your feedback and logfiles via


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