I have an opener with a FERMAX 3311, I have followed the instructions indicating the 3305 because it does not put my model and it does not work for me I have seen in the chat that there are several answers with this terminal that I have also tried and it does not work for me. I enclose a photo of how the original cables are so that if you can help me, thank you
Can you please also share a picture of your connection to the Opener?
thank Georg,
I attached a photo of one of the different combinations that I have made.
Well, I am afraid, you mixed the wiring quite up. If you compare it to the first picture, the brown wire is in the wrong screw terminal as well as the grey one…
Please refer to: Known compatibility issues > chapter Fermax VDS doorbell suppression for the right connections.
As you don’t have an intercom cable connected to “-” you can try to connect the black Opener cable to the shield of the video cable, although I think both screw terminals are interconnected on the PCB anyway.
Did you try this? And please describe what is happening in detail, so we can track the issue down.
Hola yo acabo de adquirir el opener , tengo un Fermax 3311 y he hecho lo que dice la app pero no abre el portal, detecta el timbre cuando voy fuera y llamo pero luego no abre la puerta. Mi fermax abre dos puertas. Alguien que me pueda echar una mano o que haya conseguido hacerlo funcionar y quiera compartir su cableado. Mando foto de cables por defecto y con opener, esta la ultima configuración pero el cable negro del opener estuvo solo en la posicion “-” tambien y con el cable marron tambien en la posicion “-”. Gracias de antemano.