(Jordi V.)
February 23, 2024, 6:15pm
Every week I come across this situation:
The Nuki is LOCKED.
The Nuki works fine
The application displays the correct information.
The WIFI is connected.
The MQTT client indicates that Nuki is UNLOCKED.
Locking and unlocking the Nuki does not change the MQTT state.
The only way to resolve this situation is to remove the battery.
Model: Nuki 4 pro (Firmware 4.1.8)
February 23, 2024, 6:41pm
there are issues with mqtt, if I send a mqtt message from Home Assistant or Mqttx, Nuki doesn’t read it… but if you use the app and lock or unlock… Nuki writes a mqtt message
I’ve opened a request… but for now no reply.
nobody replied but look at these topics:
I don’t know if its the same issue but my Nuki Pro 4.0 doesn’t read anymore Mqtt messages like I wrote here:
The Nuki sends mqtt messages when I do something through the app, and I can read them, but it seems that the Nuki it self can’t read mqtt message that I send from both Home Assistant and Mqttx
Hi all,
It’s from yesterday that when I sent MQTT messages through Home Assistant, the Nuki Pro 4.0 doesn’t do anything. I can’t open or close the Nuki from Home Assistant.
Home Assistant can easily read the MQTT messages that the Nuki sends. Nuki Version Firmware 4.1.8
Here some logs:
2024-02-20 22:35:12.315 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] Received message on nuki/[NUKI_CORRISPONDING_ID]/connected (qos=0): b'true'
2024-02-20 22:35:13.034 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeass…
(Jordi V.)
March 14, 2024, 7:35am
No feedback on this problem?