I have Airbnb apartment with Nuki Lock 2.0 (FW 2.4.5). Recently it started to fail with unlocking and causes huge inconvience for our guests. Activity log says that motor is blocked (which in fact is not blocked and lock rotates freely). Sometimes it takes few tries, sometimes much more to unlock. I could not reproduce problem by myself, looks like it happens randomly, after sitting idle for longer period of time. See activity log attached. Also, what does it mean “Position detection” and why instantly after that door sensor says that door is closed? Is there anything I could do or try doing to prevent this problem reccuring in the future?
Did you try to replace the batteries to see if “Motor blocked” is solved by this?
“Position detection” means the Smart Lock restarted after the problems and therefore rechecked the locked/unlocked position. This means that also calibration could have been lost / the Smart Lock tried to lock “too far”.
If the problems persists with new batteries please send a log-file with a short description of the problem and the exact time when it occured to our support team at contact@nuki.io, so they can check the details of what happend.
Today I had it too, couldn’t enter my house anymore (thank god I had the garagedoor clicker with me so I could enter via the garage).
It has been fuctioning for quite some time before without any troubles.
After inspecting I noticed the the lock really couldn’t turn (not even by hand). So dismounted the smartlock and tried the key; no problem at all. Mounted the smartlock again and has been functioning since then (like half an hour ago). So for now I’ve enabled debug mode just in case it happens again.
Problem found. My father tried opening the door with his code, thought it didn’t unlock so used his key. As I have not yet changed the cillynder to a security one he somehow was able to press the inside key out. Resulting in the Nuki not being able to rotate the key anymore.
Today I have evaluated the logs of the last 12 months and unfortunately it happens also that the engine blocks.
blocked until new calibration
blocked until new calibration
blocked until new calibration
blocked 5 times, after that it worked again
blocked once
blocked once
blocked until new calibration
blocked until new calibration
blocked until new calibration
Unfortunately, it is mostly so that only by the calibration, the nuki works again. Is there anything we can do to prevent this happening again?
It also seems as when the error occurs more and more frequently.
Motor blocked if there is unexpected or to high resistance during a lockAction.
For me this can happen if temperatures change (e.g. lately here with high differences between night and day) and I don’t close my door 100% shut. Repeated motor blocks can lead to calibration issues. So what you can check is the door setup (if there are situations where locking is significantly harder).
If you feel like sometime the motor is blocked because the lock turns too far you can check Administration/Optimize locking to test out short locking distances.
Buenos dias, he tenido funcionando varias semanas sin problemas la cerradura, veo que se mueve bien, pero a la hora de abrir la puerta, no la abre, hace el movimiento pero no se abre la puerta. y me pone motor bloqueado, tengo que darle dos o tres veces mas para que se abra la puerta. es fallo de la cerradura?
Salve, mi sono accorto oggi dell’indurimento della rotazione della serratura, ho rimosso il Nuki dalla porta per capire se il problema era il cilindro, invece è la rotazione del nuki ad essere indurita…