It works for me, thanks, much better response.
Only had 1 chance to try it out yet (last night arriving home) and it was much faster in fact. For me it’s really easy to test because I have it set to turn on the hallway lights when the door unlocks so it was really a bad experience having it unlocked and having to manually turn the lights on because it took like 5 seconds to trigger the automation, yesterday as soon as I opened the door it immediately turned on like 1 or 2 seconds at most.
Let’s give it a few more tries before confirming it’s actually working better.
Same for me!
It is better on beta, but not perfect. Response time is better, comparable to before new architecture. Still sometimes I get no response message and automations to close the door sometimes fail.
Yes, as an update @Juergen after using for a while with the new beta, I can confirm that is better but not perfect. I still experience a couple of “no response” every now and then in the Home widget, which means that the lock is reported as no response briefly sometimes for the Home hub — although not as often as before.
Automations seem to trigger on overall faster, but there were still times that the response was slow (like before).
Yes would be good if Nuki team works in their product without blaming left and right.
I use home app and contrôler that gives more details on the accessories. A simple automation : if Nuki unlocks turn off the light.
Here is how the unlock action shows into controller. Clearly the way the lock is programmed is messy and HomeKit struggles to understand the state of the lock and gives a no response.
Also, like mentioned multiple times before, Nuki should use Wifi for HK (more reliability) instead of BLE. I don’t bother having to charge the lock a bit more times if that’s the tradeoff.
There are other accessories which I don’t get why aren’t exposed to HK, like the door sensor (as a contact sensor to HK), that would make it easy for some automations as well. For people that are really into HK and have invested money in 2 Nuki locks, it’s a bit disappointing to such a expensive product behaving this way — fortunately the lock itself while using the Nuki app is good and rock solid, that’s the more important anyway.
I can’t go into details, but for HomeKit Apple is the gatekeeper who defines the HomeKit protocol, data model, requirements, test cases etc. i.e. they decide what they allow and what not, how much effort it is and if it is feasible at all.
Besides the official integration there are other ways to integrate Nuki products into HomeKit (Homebridge plugins which use the HTTP-API or MQTT API) which do not face such restrictions.
I have already tried to go around the native implementation through MQTT but unfortunately the smart lock pro bridge doesn’t expose the API, so there’s no way I can use MQTT without having to buy the bridge just for that (which I’d rather not to, specially because I have 2 locks in two different areas of the house).
SL3 Pro = MQTT → MQTT API & Homebridge / HomeKit
Nuki Bridge = HTTP → Plugin #1 or Plugin #2
Thank you @Juergen. I’ve just done it with NodeRed and MQTT with a simple flow and I was able to expose the MQTT implementation to HK (through NRCHKB) and it’s working rock solid now (finally!)
I wish there was a way to add this implementation to my other Nuki 3.0 non-pro lock without a bridge, I’d be glad with the MQTT implementation since it’s not an issue for me as I run a home server, but having to pay for the bridge just as workaround for a non-responsive lock, feels a bit wrong to me. So let me know if you find a solution for the non-pro without a bridge.
After switching from Nuki 2.0 to Nuki 3.0 Pro, I have similar issues as mentioned in this thread. Automations trigger only after opening the Home app. Still have the old Bridge installed, can I somehow override settings so homekit/Nuki use the bridge instead of the built-in wifi (if that’s the issue)?
Edit: Fixed through homebridge NB.
Using Nuki 3.0 pro and showing wrong status in homekit.
I’m experiencing the same issues. Same under iOS 18.2 and 18.3.
I have to reboot the Nuki almost daily. Very frustrating. We have over 50 HomeKit devices, including a gate opener which has worked flawlessly since it was set up.
Initially I thought it was a WiFi issue, but moving the mesh node next to the Nuki 3.0 has made no difference.
The lack of a fix by Nuki is frustrating and I’m not buying the “it’s all Apple fault” excuse. This is an expensive lock and should be rock solid for um, open and close.
They should also support Apple Home Key, but that’s another story.