Integrate NUKI with Property Management System Questions

Hi everyone,

We want to integrate in our business application work with NUKI Keypad.

We need to generate a passcode (pincode) that is valid only for specific date range.

Can you tell us in which documentation section or API Request is being used for that?


Hello Ilija,

You can find the process of creating codes with specific access permissions here:

A short explanation here:
To create codes for a booking from 20-Dec-2023 1PM to 25-Dec-2023 11AM: Create auths and assign the devices by providing the accoundUserId

API endpoint : PUT /smartlock/auth
“name”: “BOOKING123 #1”, // for guest 1
“accountUserId”: “1264915785”,
“type”: “0”,
“smartlockIds”: [
“remoteAllowed”: false,
“allowedFromDate”: “2023-12-20T13:00:00.000Z”,
“allowedUntilDate”: “2023-12-25T11:00:00.000Z”

The problem is we dont see where and how to generate new passcode which was the original idea.

So which endpoint is being used to generate passcode and return it back?

If something like this does not exist, how do we generate passcode?

Can you please help with this?

This is the end point to generate the passcode (i.e a 6 digit keypad code).
PUT /smartlock/auth

You must GET /smartlock/auth to validate if the passcode was generated successfully with the details that you provided.