IFTTT integration stop to function

Yes, please definitly also recheck the Applet details after reconnecting. - Especially if it was off for some time, or last connection was before our fix from 21.12.

Reconnected… made also new applets…but after 10-20 minutes that I reconnect the service, all the applets didn’t work.

Do you use the same email address for nuki-web and ifttt? If not I strongly recommend, to use just the same! - I had the same issues, as I used two different email addresses for both accounts!

The emails used make no difference at all as only tokens are shared and the different systems know nothing else about the user on the other side.
In your case I assume the improvement came from setting up everything new (with new tokens).

Update on the current state:

As written, we found and fixed an underlying issue, but - as you can also see at the posts here - we still experience connection issues for IFTTT, Amazon Alexa and Google Home users to different degrees and over different time intervals. We are working on another fix, but the upcoming holidays will most likely lead to some delay here.
You can check the state at Nuki Status Dashboard – Check the Status of Nuki Services, but I will also keep you updated here on any improvements.

Thanks again to all of you for your help in debugging this. For now we have gathered all information we need and will get back to you as soon as there is something new to test out. Feel free to give me updates (also via PM) if some strange new behavior occurs, but be aware that answers may be delayed due to the holidays.

A post was split to a new topic: Nuki Web Login caching issue

Hi. Is there any news on this topic?

Problem is that IFTTT is archiving applets which are not connected. So continuous action is required from my side :frowning:


Hi Nuki team

Your product is awesome and I’m so glad to support an Austrian company next door.

However I’m sorry but it’s not that great in the era of connected services to go for holidays and leave all your customers hanging for several weeks with one of your key services broken. This dramatically decreases our trust in your company. For instance I’m now wondering how diligently you care about security.

Please do the right thing, and get that fixed.

Many thanks


Sounds like this is still under investigation, but just to again add my situation - Nuki is disconnecting from IFTTT on a daily (if not more frequently) basis, and all my Nuki applets need to be reactivated (one at a time…) each time after reconnecting Nuki to IFTTT.

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Same here…

This should be fixed since Wednesday. Can you please reconnect and observe if the problem still persists?

Hi Juergen… No, problem still persist. If I link back the service it works about half an hour, then all the applets fails to run.

Same here. Sometimes it only holds for 30 minutes. (Checked and reconnect on Thursday and Friday, Saturday)

Same here. Disconnects within an hour. Tried to delete my applets and start over but still the same

Reconnected yesterday. It got disconnected again 2 minutes ago. (Edit - I reconnected again after that most recent disconnection, and 4 hours later, at the time of this edit, it has disconnected again)

I have the same problem, mails and alert about disconnecting are coming every day

Thanks for you updates. As Jürgen wrote we thought we could fix the issue with a release last week and logs seemed fine (as well as succesfull Applet runs going up again), but as reports here suggest there is obviously still an issue.

Regarding “reconnecting”: (if not done already) please consider trying to disconnect the service and set it up completely new again, which may make a difference.
(Unfortunately this means you would also have to ser up the Applets again.)

I did that Yesterday (disconnected and started from scratch) and unfortunately I got the disconnected email a couple of hours later

Thanks for the reply @Svenning. Could you PM me your new Applet IDs? IIRC I already got your Nuki Web account used?

Just sent it to you. I also reconnected so might appear online/active for now.