How to hold my MQTT connection local and functional when Nuki server is down

The last couple of months there were a lot of drops with the nuki servers, wich means it immediately drops my MQTT connection. Is there any way to get this stable an functional when there’s a drop with the nuki servers. For now it only works when it’s connected to the servers so it’s a “cloud” based MQTT instead of a local. please let me know how to fix this @MatthiasK

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This is not correct. The MQTT connection is not related to a cloud connection but there could be reconnects if the cloud connection drops. This has already been answered here: SL3 Pro: do not disconnect Wifi when Nuki Cloud is unreachable, breaking local MQTT and other protocols - #29 by Juergen

I have changed my battery settings (powerpack) to fast, hopefully this will solved this issue. My neighbor with same setup has exactly the same problem when the nuki server is down. So we have to find a solution to hold it stable. If you have any suggestions to do please let us know :pray: