Fermax 3311

Hi everyone,

I just have acquired an opener and was trying to install it on my fermax 3305 with no luck. I’ve followed the default 3305 guide of the app, and also the wiring suggested here known as “doorbell suppression” using the generic->Fermax VDS (Beta) profile with same result. I always get the following error.

Please, any help?


Hi, I just sent you a PM

Hola, acabo de recibir un nuki combo con el nuki opener, pero no consigo que funcione en mi portero del modelo 3311 de Fermax, he probado como explicáis mas arriba pero no lo consigo. Os paso una imagen de como tengo los cables por defecto.

Ademas tengo otro problema en nuki bridge me esta dando problema, ya que consigo conectarlo al smart lock y al opener, pero cuando lleva unos minutos se pierde la conexión y es imposible volver a conectarlo.

Hello, I just received a nuki combo with the nuki opener, but I will not get to work on my Fermax model 3311 doorman, I tried as you explain above but I did not succeed. I pass you an image of how I have the default cables.

Also I have another problem in nuki bridge is giving me a problem, since I will connect to the smart lock and the opener, but after a few minutes the connection is lost and it is impossible to reconnect it.


A día de hoy ya no hay problemas de conexión entre el Opener y el sistema VDS por lo que debería funcionar sin problemas.

  1. Revisa que el opener este en el último firmware, el 1.4.4. Si no lo está debes solicitar a soporte que te incluya en la Beta, porque a día de hoy sino el opener no se actualizará por sí sólo.

  2. Respecto al bridge, normalmente es un problema de mala conexión por distancia. Colócalo cerca del opener y de la smartlock porque sino perderá la señal. Tienes que estar todo en verde en el status de conexión. En amarillo se desconecta rápido.

el puente esta todo en verde y cerca del opener, con respecto el sistema VDS he seguido los paso de la aplicación y la del foro y no lo consigo, si alguien puede ayudarme.


Hola Nefandez, ¿Lograste solucionar tu problema? Tengo exactamente el mismo modelo y cableado según la fotografia que subiste. En mi caso, el interfono puede abrir dos puertas (cancela comunitaria y portal). Cuando llaman abres desde la que han llamado.

Un saludo,

Hello, I have bought a Nuki Opener and I cannot configure it. In the last step I got the following Message:

“To configure the Opener you have connect throught Bluetooth or Nuki Bridge”

Error Code: 23

Intercom: FERMAX 3311
Motherboard: FERMAX 3314

Original Configuration

Final Configuration

Error Message

Status Connection


Several attemps later I have get connect it and download the lastest firmware.
Activation is required in mi interfone. It’s needed that someone ring to bell in order open the door. To indicate that my interforne opens two differents doors.

I following the steps and I get the following issue:

I’ve bought and Opener to complete my Nuki installation (Smart Locker+Bridge), I’ve updated all the devices with the last FW. I’ve a Fermax 3305, with the wire connection as described in the attached picture

It is opening two doors. I follow the first and second set of instructions and I got the reply previously posted
The one that says

“La instalación de tu sistema de interfono no se corresponde con el estándar” Conecta los cables de Nuki a tu interfono mediante una variante alternativa…

I will really like this to work, as I prefer this integrated solution with my Nuki universe than the Wi-Box solution that has shown unstable.

Any suggestions/hints on who to proceed to fix the problem?


I’ve tried again. I put the connections as the Nuki app said, that is

Blue cable from original installation to Nuki clamp, in that clamp I insert the orange and green wires of the Nuki molex wire. I put the black Nuki molex wire to the - slot, that is where the white and gray installation wires are. Then, the process went on. I pushed the opening bottom, then my daughter went downstairs, to the door and called, the call was properly here by Nuki, because asked to open with the app, with no success, unfortunately. And from there on, everything went wrong. The app ask if activation was need. I said yes and it went even worst. There are two doors to open, the door to enter in the distribution garden, which requires activation, and the internal door with do not require activation.

Finally, I removed the Opener and returned to Amazon and reinstalled Fermax Wibox, everything fine. A shame that I could not use the whole Nuki universe.

Hola. He realizado varios tipos de conexiones y pruebas para conectar el “opener” a mi fermax 3305, y consigo de que abra la puerta con el “Ring to Open”, pero no consigo que funcione la supresion del timbre.

¿Es posible conectar el “opener” al Fermax 3305 mediante la configuración “Ring to Open” con supresiom del timbre?.


Rafael Rodríguez

Ya encontré la solución.
El problema era que tenia que aumentar el tiempo de supresion del timbre que por defecto está en 500 y pasándolo a 2000 el timbre se suprime. Solo suena un pequeño ruido cuando se llama, pero poca cosa

hi, I have an opener with a fermax 3311 but I don’t manage to get it working.

This is a before. The installation procedure gets stuck after the question where the monitor has to be active, which has to be. The next post will be the after picture.

Thanks for any input!


I have tried to select the generic fermax and the fermax 3311 product

I’m waiting for the opener, all the issues are solved? What is the final wire connection? And the app is the upgraded or the beta is needed? I have the 3311 fermax. Thanks

I have the fermax 3311 and no way to configure the opener

this are the original connections, I follow the schema in the app, but in the config app when say click the open on the fermax, nothing happens… I have the new firmware, 1.6.4 anybody can help?

Hi, I have a Fermax 3311 with Video and reference 3314. I cant connect it to Nuki properly… Someone can help me?¿ Code error: 45.


Here you are my connection: