Fermax 3311

Sorry for the inconvenience, I found the installation scheme for homes, if it helps and someone can tell me if it is compatible from My Fermax 9405.

Sorry, but the Nuki Opener is currently not compatible with Fermax DUOX (FM modulated) systems.

Thank you very much for your reply

Hello all! After struggling with error 50 I got the opener working (only with the option Ring to Open) on my Fermax 3305, same as @rdjm.
For the wiring setup, I followed the instructions of Generic Bus Fermax VDS. Thanks to all.
I still have two problems/issues:
1- The Ring Suppression option is not working (it sounds always). It is the same for you Raquel?

2- Fermax 3305 system allows me to open the door without anyone ringing first if you do a long press on the videocamera button and then push the button to open. Do you think the Nuki opener could mimic this behaviour?

Thanks in advance,


Hi, I have Fermax 3311. Can someone give me a picture of how to connect the wiring for my fermax. Thank you

Hello Ivan,
I connected it like this, but then the fermax ring does not work CONEXIONS OK_IMG_20191214_183409|375x500

Georg from Nuki recommendee this wiring:

black … “-” terminal of the intercom
red… “L” terminal of the intercom
orange… “L” terminal of the intercom
yellow … clamp
green … “+” terminal of the intercom

“-” cable … “-” terminal of the intercom
“L” cable … “L” terminal of the intercom
“+” cable … clamp

I will try it when I arrive at home and I’ll tell you

Well, this doesn’t work for me (:

I do not get it. I’m doing something wrong, since there are people with 3311 that work for them.

I don’t have the negative cable in the intercom that you all have. ( the blue)

Your negative cable is in Video Signal (terminals “V” y “M”) . There are a bridge between “-” and “M”.

Los únicos cables que tienes que quitar de la configuración original es los que tienes que llegan al “+” y ponerlos en la clema. Los demás del Opener los añades a los que ya tienes. Desatornillas y los unes como puedas y que queden bien apretados:

Negro … “-” terminal of the intercom
Rojo… “L” terminal of the intercom
Naranja… “L” terminal of the intercom
Amarillo … clamp
Verde … “+” terminal of the intercom

No hay forma de acabar la configuración, he intentado de 500 formas, y todo el rato acaba con el error 23… Tampoco encuentro en ningun sitio a que hacer referencia ese error…

Hi Francisco,
firmware version 1.3.0 beta is needed, or you wait for the live release later today.

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The new firmware solve the sometimes recognition errors in incoming calls in Fermax VDS profile?

Could be learn the signals like in Bus Generic?.


Hi @Georg_S, which profile shall be used during installation? Generic > generic or generic > Fermax vds? Or will there be a profile for 3311? Additionally, in your help screens in the app the red and yellow opener cable shall be connected with your clamp. Is that right?

For me, now only works ok, generic - bus generic.

Bus Fermax profile not working well in my fermax 3311.

Hi George! I saw the firmware has been updated and I was waiting for the oficial version to be released. I’ve got a Fermax 3311 with an inside board of 3314. Is ir officially supported now? Or is it still in beta? Is the VDS loft monitor desktop the one to choose to proceed with the installation?

Thanks for all your help!

Thank you George!
But i have a question, if i cant connect de opener with the app due to error 23 (i can’t finish the configuration) , how can i update the firmware?
And how can i know its correctly connected?

Fermax 3311 is working for me thanks to my friend José M Bustamente. Profile Generic - bus generic

Same for me with my Fermax 3305. Does ring suppresion works for you @ivanpasantes @Jose_M_Bustamante_De ?
Do you get notifications right when someone rings your intercom?

The notifications dont work well at the moment. Nuki is working to recognize all possible signals to know what signals are correct to you intercom. It will be availible in future firmware.


how do you wire the yellow wire of the opener to the fermax 3393? Thanks.
