Elcom i2 Bus (BVM-100)

Dear all,

Did anyone got success with an Elcom i2 Bus system?

I’ve tried the generic bus configuration but it didn’t work.
Here are my findings:
Simple connection :
Bus+ from Opener on (b)
Bus- from Opener on (a)
------------> no door opening (pressing the opening button of the interkom) during first step of the installation, no opening from the app either

Connection Bus+ on (a) and bus- sur (b) : error on the app saying no standard connection

Any help or future upgrade welcome…



I would also be very interested in support for the i2 bus.
I have an Elcom BVF-210 that uses the same system; did not buy the opener yet, but I would if it works with my intercom.

Would be great to get feedback on this!


To developers: any plan to include i2 Bus? I’ll b pleased to try out any new featured try.


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I second this request. Have a Elcom BVF-510 which I desperately want to integrate. Neither Nello nor Doorbird support it.
I even think about to try to connect it to the integrated relais and build a connection to the opener button. But don’t know if it’ll work.

Any chance to have Elcom supported anytime?



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I second this as well.
Having a BVM-280.

Supporting elcom i2 bus would be great!
(Elcom BFT 200 here)

Are there any future plans to integrate those openers?


This would be a great addition and would Nuki become more relevant for many households.

I even think about to try to connect it to the integrated relais and build a connection to the opener button. But don’t know if it’ll work.

Hi Jens,

i exactly did that and it works great. but it requires some work…

Is there a way that the Opener can “learn” the commands from the bus?

How did you realise it?

I connected ring detection to the integrated Relais of my video telephone which works perfectly.
To send a open command I bought a RED114Y module which is designed to do that. I connected it to the OPEN cable of the Opener via a relais. The open signal of the opener closes the relais and the open signal is sent via the bus. But unfortunately the command only works if there is an active 2-way audio/video connection between the door station and the video telephone although I set the door station to accept open commands any time. Now I’m quite stuck. It would be much easier to have Elcom supported but unfortunately nobody gives any estimate.

Any news for i2 Bus here? I am having a Elcom BHT-200 also using the described Bus system.
Is there a way to upload the manual + cable settings here? Seems like the same for the BVM-100 System!

did you use for the ring detection one of these relais: Elektronischer Online Katalog von Hager ?

And would you mind sharing your jumper setting on the RED114Y?

Concerning full i2 bus integration: anybody knows if it’s “just” a software implementation issue or maybe their protocol is not public / ip protected and hence it’s more complicated


I connected the plus pole of a simple 9 volt block to the built in relais (marked KK at the screw Terminal) of the video telephone. This relais is intended for connecting external ring bells etc. If someone rings 9V is switched to the Ring detect wire of the Opener. Both GND cables of the Opener are connected to the minus pole of the 9v block. So far everything works.
The RED114 module sends a open command over the bus if the control-in input of the module is closed (for this no jumper has to be set). But my door station unfortunately doesn’t react to the signal if there is no active video conversation between the door station and the telephone.
Unfortunately there is no comment on Elcom support by Nuki.

thanks for the insights.

I found another solution here (DoorPi im Elcom/Hager i2bus i2audio Netz? - Hilfe / Ratschläge - DoorPi Forum), i.e. they just disassembled another unit :slight_smile:


Interesting approach. My problem sending an opening command could be solved if it would be easier to connect the open button of the video station to the Nuki. But this is very complicated because of the electronic touch buttons of the telephone. If they were mechanical it would be easier. So installing a mechanical telephone is one more option.

I also used a similar approach:

I bought a Elcom BFT-200 device and a RSR-200 relais for it.
Then I installed it as a second station next to our BFT-210 with Touch buttons.

I used 1m of an ethernet cable to hide it in a drawer below, cutted of the ends and connected the BFT-200 with 2 wires parallel to the bus of our existing station, using the same bus address.

This works fine.

Then I connected the Opener to the button contacts for the open button and to the RSR-200 Relais.
That way the Opener recognizes the door bell and can open the door.

Maybe I can post some photos within the next days…


Would be nice. Is your door opening if you press the open button on your BFT-210 WITHOUT ringing before?

I ended up solving the problem by using an Elcom BSR-140 relais that I’m controlling via an arduino. Maybe the opener could also be hooked up to the BSR-140; did not investigate that, as the arduino works for me :slight_smile:

For me it works without someone having to ring. But that seems to depend on the settings of the door relais; according to the elcom docs there is a jumper that enables this. No way to know how your door is configured without trying…

The jumper in the door station is set to ‚open without connection‘, but it doesn’t work. Don’t know why