maybe I don’t understand certain things, or maybe I’m really stuck.
But sometimes it seems to me that the documentation needs more examples, because I rarely get anywhere with the information available.
However. i have managed to create PINs for various devices that are time-limited. These PINs can be created by customers themselves, including time windows. So far so good.
Of course i would like to delete the expired pins. in the documentation you can find:
> If the PIN is created correctly you get an empty reply. In order to access the PIN later on you got to get its authId:
Use the id of the auth for the PIN_NAME you created as PIN_ID.
What is meant here?
I entered a PIN “name” when I created it. Is this what is meant by PIN_NAME as PIN_ID? Is this the same??
Two lines before it talks about an AuthID.
But I do not access the function when creating that I get the AuhtID. What for?!
Is it possible to get the AuthID afterwards?
Or is it possible to delete PINs without AuthID? Just with SmartlockID and the PIN name?