Comelit compatibility

For more information about the analogue way: Generic Analoge Ring Detection

Hi there, just wanted to notice that I also have the comelit system installed in my own home and are very interested in getting the Opener to work with it. Even if maybe in a restricted way, but are using Nuki right now for other Flats and are really loving how it works.

i also have a comelit system. Tried several ways of connecting, and finally soldered some wires to the button that opens the door and connected that to the Nuki (sorry, don’t know which wires i connected it to). Now i can remotely open the door, even if no one rang the bell. The only disadvantage is that i do not receive a notification when someone rings the bell.

Just an idea as I did something similar with an Elcom system:

Maybe you have a speaker or an LED that lights up in the intercom and you can meassure a voltage against the same “ground” as your opener signal already uses.

In this case you could try to solder the yellow wire here to get a ring notification.
This worked in the case of the Elcom system.

You can see some wiring diagrams and photos in this thread:

Has anyone tried the analogue way with the Comelit intercoms yet? I had given up on the bus system (especially given the note above about needing to be paired with the system because of encryption) but an analogue hack based on the speaker and lock button seems reasonable though it has yet to be seen whether the touch buttons will be a problem.

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I am considering giving it a try with the analogue option for a simplebus 2 system from Comelit (4700). I think I have identified what I need for the wiring. I need to solder the door opener contact (at the back of the PCB) and wire the second bell contact to the Nuki opener for ring detection. See pictures in reply for more details (I can only embed 1 media item per post).
Can anyone tell me if the below diagram (for Elvox system, so completely different) will be helpful? And for ring suppression, should I mute the 1st bell from the Comelit system and add a second bell with green and/or yellow wire from Nuki opener? Last question on the voltage: it seems to be working on 12V, what is the best way to confirm this? I need that to get the ring to open setting working by technical support I think. Thanks for helping me out! PS: If I am confident I am able to achieve the above, I will give it a try and report back with the working setup.

Edit: the extra bell contact as referred to in the Comelit manual seems to be also part of the bus system, so likely encrypted en of no use. I will have to look further for the buzzer contact. Any suggestions based on pics below?


I have an Comelit 5714C, is this will be support in near future?
I have already an Opener but not sure how to connect it and if I can use the Unknown Intercom System procedure share above? Can you suggest Please?


Any updates here? @Davince did you mange to make it work?

No, after I found out from the manual the extra bell is also a bus system, I decided not to give it a try. I first need an alternative for bell detection. If there is no bell detection, it there is no point in trying for me. Any suggestions?

I have a functioning Nuki Opener, but next week they are “upgrading” the Comelit system to a 6701W and from this thread it will stop working. :frowning:

I actually would already be happy to be able to open at the distance the door. Did anyone achived at least this? As the installer will be in the building I can always try to ask him to have some special configuration made, I hope. :slight_smile:

See my post at aug 20. Mine works.

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Nice. And regarding the speaker did you try to use it as a way to detect the “ring”? :slight_smile:

Didn’t try that. I have a separate video doorbell. When people use that, i can open the door with the opener.

I had the opener working flawlessly, but the building decided to change the intercom to COMELIT 6741W, and it is not working as expected. Really complicated technology.
Please let us know when it will be compatible with NUKI opener


Hi Nuki, kindly share any update on Comelit support?

Bonjour, avez vous des nouvelles pour la compatibilité de votre comelit 6741W ? car ma copropriété doit le mettre en place . Merci pour votre réponse.

Hey i got a Comelit 6741w in my apartment. I own the apartment so i decided to open the System. The touch buttons are very i mean veeery simple. They are directly connected to an Atmel micro controller. Is it possible to just solder the Nuki Opener on these pads? Does the Opener switches to Gnd? If thats possible i can Solder the Ring surpression and Open signal to the corresponding pads which are huge. Switches the Nuki Opener to GND and if not switched is the pin floating? That would be perfect… And i also heared that i have to enable a secret ring detection mode and @Georg_S could help me, the loud speaker seems to have 10 V

Should be no problem, - yes the opener switches to gnd!