do you plan to fix Alexa integration as currently one can neither enable “Unlock by App” nor “Unlock by voice”?
It might also be beneficial to improve on the description for both skills as the difference between a Home skill and a custom skill is not always clear to everyone.
Amazon still has some restrictions for several countries on what Smart Home Skills are allowed to do. Sadly we can’t give you an update on if and when this restrictions will be removed for your country.
I don’t know why you say there are restrictions, the skill works perfectly fine in italian: it locks/unlocks/checks status of the door.
The problem is that instead of saying “open the door” (“apri la porta” in italian) the user must say “unlock the door” (“sblocca la porta” in italian). In order to be able to unlock via voice, you have to properly configure the lock in the devices section of Alexa, enabling the “unlock by voice” functionality and setting a “voice code” (a pin) that alexa asks after it receives the unlock command.
There should be a detailed support article, with easy instructions, about configuring Alexa integration, for less technical people. I don’t think the average user would be able to make it work.
Anyway, it works fine also for italian alexa users. great job.
Thanks for the feedback. The functionality was announced by Amazon for “autumn 2019” for some languages, but we never saw it working, that’s why we described it as it was.
We didn’t get any official notice, but I will recheck this and your suggestion for a detailed support article!
Glad to help in some wat. I was upset reading the comments in the Alexa skill because of the fact that people didn’t quite understand how to make it work. With proper instructions I think many negative comments would be avoided.
Does Alexa Echo Dot (3rd Gen) works with Smart Lock?
I just activate from app Smart Lock an account to Activate Nuki Web.
On the can open and close the door.
Smart lock was added to Alexa.
When I tap on icon lock from Alexa app, app write a message: “There is a problem with Home door. Please check on your lock”.
When I say to Alexa Open the door, and say the code, Alexa say “Open door” and the door does not open.
Can someone help me ?
I just talk on Amazon chat about this issue.
Many users have this issue with Alexa Skill Nuki Smart Lock.
Work only one time (open the door).
After that must tap again on Settings - Skills & Games -tap on Nuki Smart home - Disable Skill - Enable to use - then automatically goes to to SIGN IN - sign in - Smart Lock has linked.
Now I can close my door … then does not open the door.
Amazon Service send that issues to developers team.
Hope they fix issue.
I got some news about Nuki Skill from Alexa.
Amazon Customer Service told me they’ve identified that the Nuki system is not responding to requests made through Alexa, hence it’s causing the command failure.
That issue must fix by Nuki team.
I can use only US Skill.
When instal Skill or search for the skill in Amazon I can see only 25 reviews and that is for US users Amazon.
I try to find the skill for deutschland with … and that skill has 80 reviews.
Can not install other skill from other country, I try even to login and I receive a message when try to install DE Skill “It looks like your account is set up for”.
If the skill works for german(DE) then Skill for US is the problem.
A year + few months has passed and Nuki Smart Lock 2 does not work with Amazon Alexa Echo Dot 3 - US Skill.
But on the official page I read …
It is supported or not ?
In 14 months many users was report issues with Alexa and Nuki SL2. During this time would be indicated to add on your website a list with Alexa compatibility versions. Other users will know what kind of Alexa products are compatible with Nuki SL2 to avoid lose some money.
Alexa skill does not work.
And Nuki people does nothing about it.
I do not understand how Nuki can be rated as the best, if I am thinking of replacing it, because Alexa can not comunicate with it for more than once.
I am trying to find out, if Nuki SmartLock 2.0 would solve the problem, but I am sceptic, because it is software issue or problem on Nuki Bridge.