Add user to bridge HTTP API notifications

the problem is that this log is not inmediatelly available when i get the callback so i have to delay and retry, not very reliable, the problem solution is to include the name in the callback

I would also really like to get some context information in the callback from bridge. Basically right now I have no way to distinguish between users that open the lock. Web API log function seems to be delayed by 10 - 20 seconds which is not acceptable for my use case.

It is really frustrating bc Nukki products are great, and I really appreciate how open the api is and how easy it is to integrate with it - at the same time small little things like this one makes it almost not usable for my case. It seems to me it is easier to achieve this functionality by integrating third party keypad.


Hi, everyone.

Does anyone who voted for this topic use smart home automation systems such as OpenHAB or Home Assistant? I believe the feature request that I created could complement this one for the Bridge HTTP API and Lock Pro.

If you also find it useful, you can vote for it.

Best regards

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