ABB or Busch Welcome series

I gave up on Nuki a long time ago. Zero progress on the Busch Jaeger front. Sold everything, Lock, Bridge, Opener and extra Battery. I have moved over to switchbot. The Lock Pro works better than Nuki, also has fingerprint and keypad, also nfc cards. With the Cloud hub I connected a Switchbot bot which is a switch that physically presses the button on the Intercom. There is no press to open funktion, but you can open it through the app and control it through the cloud, which is enough for me.

There is a known limitation for Ring to Open, but opening the door via app should work. Are you stuck at the screen, where Ring to Open gets tested? Try confirming the door opening during the setup process and give it another try. If this is not working, the signal might have been recorded incorrectly. Have you tried contacting our customer service?

Today, after some testing, I got my 83210 AP-6 somewhat working with the Nuki Opener. The provided installation instructions from the Nuki app didn’t work. Initially, connecting the red wire to A1 and the black wire to B2 also didn’t work. I was stuck at the “press the open button on the intercom” step.
What I did was spam the open button, and finally, the Opener recognized it, and it now works.

So if someone is stuck, just try to spam the button until the opener recognizes it.

As expected, “Ring to Open” and seeing a ring notification do not work.

Question : Is there any way to monitor a ring action? Besides using some third party device.

Hi. Has anybody succesfully implemented the opening function (Opener) with the Busch-JĂ€ger 83220 AP-624 Video WelcomePanel who could share his/her experiences here? We would not need ring to open or any notification, just the pure opening function via the nuki app.

Many thanks

Attached some images with regards to my post above:

@Georg_S WOuld be very grateful for any shared help how to connect the opener in this case (see my post above)
. Opening door via app would suffice, no other function needed.

Dear Ali, this model is listed as not compatible. However I would try the simplified wiring. You might not get all features running but the ring detection and the simple door open function might work.

Use the red and black cable from the opener and make a parallel hook up to the bus lines a1, b1.

In case you have a voltmeter in place you should measure the polarity of the a1 - b2 bus lines. Most likely is a1 positive and b2 ground.

Please connect the red opener cable to the positive terminal and the black one to the GND.

Run through the setup flow with generic model selection and simple connection as above discribed.

Let’s continue talking via PN. This channel is not for support cases.

Hallo zusammen,

ich interessiere mich fĂŒr ein Nuki-GerĂ€t, um mein Busch Welcome-System von unterwegs steuern zu können. Insbesondere möchte ich die HaustĂŒr mit meinem Handy entriegeln und Benachrichtigungen erhalten, wenn jemand klingelt.

Als ich jedoch die Nachrichten hier gelesen habe, bin ich etwas skeptisch geworden. Es scheint, dass es Probleme mit der KompatibilitÀt von Nuki-GerÀten mit ABB/Busch Welcome gibt und dass diese von Seiten Nuki nicht aktiv weiterentwickelt wird.

Ich wollte nun fragen, ob es ĂŒberhaupt Sinn macht, ein Nuki-GerĂ€t zu kaufen. Arbeitet Nuki noch an der KompatibilitĂ€t mit Busch Welcome-Systemen? Kann ich dabei irgendwie behilflich sein?

Ich wĂŒrde mich freuen, wenn jemand Licht ins Dunkel bringen könnte.

Mit freundlichen GrĂŒĂŸen,

Hello again,

I’m still hoping my post from last week will get approved by moderators, but in the meantime I wanted to follow up with a question for the Nuki engineers:

Would it be possible to take a look at the project I mentioned earlier and see if there’s anything that can be learned from it to improve the compatibility between Nuki and ABB Welcome systems? The project appears to be fully open-source, so perhaps some of the solutions used in the project can be integrated into Nuki in the future?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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Dear Marcel
with your configuration suggestion "Please connect the red opener cable to the positive terminal a1 and the black one to the GND b2) I managed to get it working.
I needed to turn off bluetooth and WIfi, otherwise I always got a timeout in the step where Nuki tried to connect when going downstairs to the main entrance of the building. Once I did everything over LTE vie the bridge it worked.
However ring to open does not work. Essentially in the configuration, I needed to lie when asked whether ringing lead to opening the door, otherwise the configurator only exits with “not compatible”.

Once I clicked yes, essentially I lied, the configuration ends with success. I can now open the main entrance via the Nuki app. RIng to open does not work.

Nuki needs to reprogram the configurator to take these steps and the results into account. You would have more customers and/or make more customers happy that way.

Anyway, I am grateful to @Marcel_Urban for his advice. Maybe other customers can use the info provided through my experiences.

Great that it is working. The simple wiring (parallel hookup to the bus) supports the main use case. Of cause not all functions as pre-informed.
We consider to simplify the app flow in future.

I have the same problem with the ABB model as you can see on the picture.

I saw many explanation and I try several without any good results.

Some one can give me a summary of what I have to do. Any pictures will be welcome in order to see how the wiring and setup the Nuki equipment.

Thank you in advance.


As no success after several tentative, I decided to return the Nuki to the shop.
Nuki Is not compatible with the ABB interphone 83210.
If you have the ABB interphone 83210, don’t buy Nuki.
Is not really serious from Nuki, to mention that the interphone model could be compatible.
Is not true at all.
Best regards.

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