360 Degree "Setting" not honored by Smartlock

Dear Nuki Support!
I have an issue with 2 of 6 Smart Locks.
I want to use 360 lock rotation. (normal door with lever) → this worked on the Locks already. But does not anymore ;(((

I have noticed that no mater what setting I use (360 or 720) The lock is always locking 720. And is even going further (to the very end) as if it is pulling the latch.
I removed the batteries and calibrated the Lock but no change on the behaviour.
( Latest Firmware 1.7.3 on the Lock)
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on this problem.

Hi @Stefan_Kammer, can you check if you could update to a new firmware version on the SL? I don’t know what is released outside the beta program, but to me 1.73 looks quite old.

Hello uwe!
as i wrote already, I am on the latest SL firmware 1.7.3 (Nuki 1.0)

This version is not available for Nuki 1.0?

Please contact our support at contact@nuki.io for direct help.

This forum is focused on developer related issues.

Regarding Firmware Versions: Yes, Smart Locks 1.0 and 2.0 have different Firmware with different versions. Main version of nr. 1 and 2 show the difference directly.

According to Nuki Support it’s a bug. (in Nuki App Version 2.1.3)
Iphone 5SE. ( don’t know if the phone Hardware is part of the issue)
nest regards