Web API reports locks as unavailable (although they seem to be fine)

We have recurrently been seeing locks reported as “unavailable” (“nicht erreichbar”) in Nuki Web, despite their connecting seemingly being okay:


  • Bridge is wlanConnected and serverConnected
  • Bridge is paired to lock
  • App shows lock as available, even remotely
  • But https://api.nuki.io/smartlock reports a serverState of 4 instead of 0 for the respective lock

As Nuki Web seems to hide the “Jetzt aktualisieren” link for locks that are deemed offline, I can only trigger a sync via the Web API. This usually works, and the lock is then displayed as online again. If I don’t trigger a sync, the lock sometimes comes back online on its own, but sometimes stays unavailable for multiple days.

I would already be happy if you could show the “Jetzt aktualisieren” button irrespective of the connection state, so I could use it to bring the locks back online, but obviously finding out the root cause for this behavior would be even nicer. :wink:

Can you please send me your Smart Locks ID and also the ID of the Bridge that is connected to it via DM?
I’d like to analyze this and give you further instructions afterwards.


Sure, will do as soon as this happens again. Thanks, @marc!