Vacation Mode / Safe Mode

Product name

For which NUKI product do you want to submit a feature request? Nuki / nuki pro


Quick summary what this request is about.
Option for the Nuki rotor to be locked


Detailed description of desired features.
Since Nuki releases the rotor after each operation, it would be nice to include an option, where you can choose that the Nuki rotor will not disengage the rotor and become blocked.
This would be fine for your type of vacation, a month away from home, and lock the accesses are physical key, to give greater security to the entrance.
You could also include that option to lock the rotor, in night mode, lock any access with physical key.
Or something like that when the “vacation/safety mode” is activated, if it detects that there are cylinder turns with a physical key, the same nuki turns again and closes automatically.
Although I almost prefer the rotor lock more than it does the laps again on its own. But it could also be both.


Why is this feature needed? Por seguridad


Night mode, lock any access with physical key. That only the allowed accesses are from the app of someone you have As a user.
Vacation mode, if you go away from home for a month, no one has to enter with a physical key, except for the people you have authorized in the application. That they can only open through the app.
Also, if they try to pick the lock from the outside, it will not turn the cylinder when it is locked and will provide a little more security.