Understanding the Presence of authId in Nuki Web Webhook: Exploring Field Variations and Expectations

Greetings, Nuki developers!

I’d like to discuss an issue I encountered while using the Nuki Web webhook DEVICE_LOGS. Previously, I relied on the “authId” field to log all events related to my smartlock. However, I’ve recently discovered that this field is not always present in the JSON payload. It appears that not every user with a code on my smartlock is associated with an authId, which came as a surprise.

I’ve come across logs where a user utilizes the keypad, but there is no corresponding authId provided. I’m seeking clarification on when I can expect the authId to be included in the JSON received from the webhook. I found nothing in the doc.

Here the sample:
{‘feature’: ‘DEVICE_LOGS’, ‘smartlockLog’: {‘id’: ‘xxxx’, ‘smartlockId’: xxxx, ‘deviceType’: 0, ‘name’: ‘test (Keypad)’, ‘action’: 3, ‘trigger’: 255, ‘state’: 0, ‘autoUnlock’: False, ‘date’: ‘2023-05-17T08:45:51.000Z’, ‘source’: 1}}

Any Nuki support person aware of this ?

Hi Sereno,

Firstly apologies for the delayed response. I was able to reproduce this issue and found out the scenario under which this occurs.

Let’s consider a user (auth) is created for a SL (for e.g. an app user is created).
Invitation is redeemed.
But the auth is not synced yet, i.e. doesn’t appear under the “Users” section in Nuki Web.
User performs a lock/unlock action; thus activity log shows the user action.
Since the user (auth) is not synced yet, there is no authId in DEVICE_LOGS webhook entry.

I did a manual “Update now” for the device in Nuki Web to push a forced sync.
Now the user appears in the “Users” section and any action performed by the user is recorded with an authId.

The 24h automatic sync should fix this issue, if an auth is created and only used after a day, then it is unlikely this could occur. But I will report the bug. Thanks for notifying.