Support other door sensors via Matter

Product name

Nuki Smart Lock 4th Generation


I’d like for Nuki to support Matter door sensors in addition to its own door sensor.


This would enable support for advanced features with a range of alternative door sensors.


To be frank, Nuki’s door sensor is incredibly expensive and it lacks the compatibility that other, cheaper door sensors have. Even the more premium smart home brand, Eve, is at least £20 cheaper than the Nuki, with the added benefit that I can integrate it into other automations. The Aqara P2 is £30 cheaper. These established smart home brands are just objectively better choices for door sensors if you ignore the requirement on Nuki for compatibility.

Beyond the Eve and Aqara models, a Matter-enabled smart home bridge like Philips Hue or one of the Tuya ones could widen the possibilities even more.


All the examples already exist as features for the Nuki door sensor, such as not trying to lock while the door is ajar, locking quickly after closing the door, etc.

+1 :+1:

I think the devs consider feature requests based on vote count, please click the Vote button at the top of the post. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nuki 4.0 supports any other Matter door sensor (in Apple Home).
I use Nuki 4.0 and Aqara Matter door sensor and as soon as the door sensor is recognized as closed in Apple Home the Nuki locks the door. Happens in under 1 second.
The door sensor from Aqara is automaticly assigned to the Nuki lock then in the same room in Apple Home and can be set to lock the door when closed (or not).

Don‘t know if this works with Alexa or Google Home.

It doesn’t work in Google Home. I have the Eve sensor and Nuki still tries to lock the door while it’s open, which it doesn’t do with its own sensor. Nuki also waits the standard amount of time in the settings before locking the door. It is possible to set up automations in Google Home so that the door locks when the sensor changes, even with a delay. I’ve done it with Home Assistant, however, and I also had to disable quite a few features in the Nuki app to stop them conflicting.

Apple Home Automation
Aqara Sensor:


Strange, it is no problem with Apple Home.